Sculpteo has launched their annual industry survey, and we encourage readers to respond.
The now-BASF owned Sculpteo manufacturing service has long been issuing reports based on their comprehensive annual surveys, with the first taking place in 2015. Last year’s version had a significant number of industry respondents. They explain:
“With more than 1900 respondents, Sculpteo’s State of 3D Printing has been a great success in 2021. Indeed, over the years, our study has been noticed by several actors in the 3D printing industry. And for its 8th edition this year, we want to offer you an even more complete study. Don’t miss the opportunity to leave your mark and influence the additive manufacturing world.”
It’s likely the Sculpteo survey is perhaps the largest one of its kind in the industry, and thus it provides a significant amount of insight into technology usage trends.
Sculpteo explains their survey goals:
“The goal is to have as much data as possible from all 3D printing users and businesses using 3D printing to create a complete and accurate analysis. 3D printing is an industry in perpetual development, so it is necessary to follow its evolution to reap all the benefits. Thus, thanks to the different data obtained, we will be able to measure the degree of use of 3D printing and highlight the cause-and-effect relationships that exist between the different variables.
This survey is for all 3D printing users, regardless of their level of expertise or their degree of adoption of this technology.”
The best part of this survey is that Sculpteo freely publishes the results for everyone in the industry to see — and more importantly take action based on those findings.
Sculpteo provides a great service to the 3D print industry via their survey, and therefore we encourage all readers to take a few moments to fill it out.
You can find the survey itself right here.
Via Sculpteo