There’s one topic I could not see appearing in Fabbaloo and that’s dating. Until today.
How on Earth did I ever make a connection between 3D printing and dating? It all started with a conversation with a friend.
Abby (let’s call her Abby) is one of many who operate their own 3D printer. Starting with a Geetech, she’s now using a Creality Ender 3. She’s also worked with schools to set them up with 3D printers, material, and of course, ideas on what to print.
You could call her a 3D print enthusiast.
Recently she’s been exploring the world of dating using online services, because I guess that’s what one does these days. On a whim, she mentioned “3D printing” in her online dating profile.
To her surprise, that profile entry drew much attention. She was contacted by multiple people involved with or interested in 3D printing. She said:
“One guy has something crazy, like 8 different printers! Another has a resin printer. Another designs parts for work and 3D prints potential manufacturing solutions. Another couple wanted advice on where and how to start.”
While you might think that adding that to a dating profile might declare oneself as “nerdy”, it turns out it’s a big attractor to others who are interested in the technology.
To many readers of Fabbaloo, the ability to 3D print things might be a normal attribute, but to the general population it’s still magic. Abby says:
“I’m kind of a surprise to the online dating nerds of this town!”
Another factor here might be that she could be one of the few females in the vicinity listing 3D printing, thus drawing a lot of interest. Perhaps the reverse scenario, where a male listed 3D printing, might not garner as much interest.
On the other hand, those linking would very likely be interested in 3D printing. That’s exactly what Abby observed.
In the end, 3D printing in dating is simply another specialty interest, like rock climbing, long-distance running or baseball. If you list it, someone will match it.
But did Abby connect with the many who contacted her? She told me:
“None of them really in the end, but most thought I was a super cool chick 😏😎”
And what else could anyone want?