This week’s selection is “How to Draw: drawing and sketching objects and environments from your imagination” by Scott Robertson and Thomas Bertling.
Let’s get this out right away: “drawing” is an essential part of 3D printing. How? It is typically the very first stage of 3D modeling, even before the CAD software is fired up.
CAD modeling almost always requires a basic concept as the initial input, which would then be constructed with the usual CAD elements. But where does that initial concept come from?
Drawing, that’s where.
Unfortunately, many of us are rather terrible drawers, and there’s a need for some instructions and assistance. That’s where this book comes in.
But it’s more than just a regular tutorial book on drawing skills.
As you might expect, it talks first about the hardware required to draw: paper, pens, charcoal, etc., as well as the basic “moves” one would use when drawing.
Then it gets into the details, covering perspective drawing, grids, ellipses, rotations, before going on to more complex methods such as working with volumes.
The book then explores the work required to draw various types of common objects, like aircraft, automobiles, and more.
What’s different about this book is that it takes a “component” approach to drawing, much the same way a 3D modeling would do so when building a CAD file. After reading this book, one could then “decompose” a concept into drawing elements to come up with a proper representation.
That drawing can then be used in the CAD stage to fully develop the 3D model.
If you’re designing parts and objects for 3D printing, having excellent drawing skills is a must, and this book can help you get there.
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