This week’s selection is “Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering” by Saeed Moaveni.
Many of our readers are engineers, but quite a number are not. For those who are interested in becoming an engineer, learning more about the profession or simply being able to understand engineers, this book could be a welcome introduction.
A word of warning, first, however: this book is nearly 800 pages, and is chock full of introductions to all aspects of engineering.
Divided into 20 topic-focused chapters, the book ironically begins with several sections on non-technical aspects of being an engineer. Moaveni describes the character behind great engineers, teamwork, professional organizations, transition from high school and more. These are highly important considerations for anyone hoping to become an engineer.
Moaveni explains the environment an engineer will find themselves in, including project structure, design processes, regulatory standards, communication techniques and the Engineer’s Creed.
With that out of the way, Moaveni then digs deep into the field of engineering in a wide array of topics. Some of the topics include:
- Units and measurements
- Time and mass considerations
- Forces and temperatures
- Energy and electricity
- Computational tools (including Excel and MATLAB)
- Drawings
- Material properties
- Probability and Statistics
- Economics
After reading this book, it will become clear that a true engineer is not simply one performing the technical work, but one who integrates with a team and project to successfully achieve common goals.
Special note: I found this, the fourth edition, on sale for just over US$30, while the newer fifth edition sells for US$144, so there could be substantial savings if you’re interested in this topic but don’t need the 2020 edition. The 2016 edition will cover most of the relevant topics that don’t really change from year to year.
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