This week’s selection is “3D Printing Without Prior Knowledge : 7 Days To Your First 3D Print (Become An Engineer Without Prior Knowledge” by Benjamin Spahic.
At this time of year, many people suddenly find themselves with a 3D printer that’s just appeared under a Christmas tree. While some may know what to do, many people could be baffled by the technology and require some assistance.
This book could be helpful in that precise situation.
While author Spahic focuses on FFF 3D printing, that is the most likely type of desktop 3D printer these days.
The title of the book mentions, “without prior knowledge”, and Spahic isn’t kidding: the first section of the book focuses on the three styles of motion systems: cartesian, polar and delta. I don’t believe I’ve seen a proper explanation of this in many other introductory 3D printing books, so it’s off to a good start.
Spahic takes the time to explain all the components of the system, as well as the most common types of filament material that would be used in a desktop FFF 3D printer. Normally introductory machines simply use PLA, but these machines are usually also capable of handling ABS, PETG, ASA, TPU and sometimes PA, all of which are explained.
There’s a brief explanation of the workflow, sufficient to get someone started, and that’s really all you need at the early stages of 3D printer usage.
Importantly, Spahic explains a series of maintenance activities that are often forgotten or unknown to novice 3D printer operators. This section alone will certainly save people from difficult situations. Many times I’ve seen prints fail simply from lack of cleaning the machine properly, for example.
Finally, there’s a long section describing ten very common print failure scenarios, and what to do about each. These will almost certainly be encountered by everyone using a 3D printer, so having a guide to explain them, and walk through resolution steps could be quite valuable.
If you’re new to 3D printing and have no experience at all, then this could be the book for you.
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