Have you ever sat on a chair and thought, “Man, I wish there was a more comfortable place to sit”?
Well, there is – it’s called the sofa. Still, the limitations of the conventional office chair limit you to sitting, ooooor shifting from one butt cheek to the other. Try sitting another way and you’ll be on the ground in minutes or send you spine into shock. What if there was a chair that offered more ways to sit, lounge, kneel, or recline?

Boss Mode: BeYou Office Chair
BeYou is an office chair like no other. In fact, it’s a mix of chairs that allows over 10+ ways to sit. Sure, you can sit on it like a normal chair to get all your chair-optimized activities done, but its arms and backrest adjust, transforming into other seating options at a moment’s notice.

The “wings” on the side of the BeYou chair have five positions and a number of uses. Apart from traditional armrests, they extend to further increase your sitting space, kneel on them like a mat, or sleep on them during your lunch break.

The backrest is even more versatile. It slides up and down as does a normal backrest, but the added hinges allow it to rotate a full 90°. This provides a small platform to rest your legs, laptop, food, drinks, or even as a smaller seat for a sit-stand desk configuration.
Both the wings and the backrest incorporate quick release hinges to make transforming the BeYou chair faster. Whenever you want to change position, flip the hinges, and transform the chair to whichever configuration you like.

All this versatility would mean nothing if the chair couldn’t hold your weight. The BeYou chair is made from high-quality oak veneer and comes with a 40% wider base than most office chairs. The chair itself weighs 55 pounds (25kg), but supports up to 400 pounds (181kg) on the main seat and 275 pounds (125kg) on the backrest if you decide to use it as a second seat. As an added security feature, the wheels auto-lock whenever you leave the BeYou so anything you placed on it won’t fall.
The BeYou was created by Bravo Tribe – a group of friends with “decades of experience in sitting”. Due to their different relaxation methods and forms of sitting, they decided to work together to create the ultimate chair – one which adapts to what a person thinks is the most comfortable position at any given time.
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