The objects themselves are printed in a rather nice ABS-like plastic that has both “durable” (strong like ABS) and “fine” (smooth finish) characteristics.
The other material involved is a gelatin-like substance that’s used for support. This gelatin may be swiftly removed by washing it off after the print completes.
Support capability is really important, as it permits all kinds of new object geometries to be printed. However, using this material requires a bit of design work: even though it easily washes off, you must ensure your objects have a hole through which it can be washed out. Otherwise you’ll be carrying a lump of gelatin around forever.
Via Ponoko (Hat tip to Kristen)
The news is really about Ponoko. Now Ponoko users can try out this cool material, whereas they could not use it with Ponoko before. If one had their own Objet 3D printer they could of course use the material immediately, but most people don't and use Objet printers thru services like Ponoko.
Eh, what's the news? That's how Objet printers worked since … always. The only thing that's new here, is that Ponoko is now buying cartridges of a recently released Objet material to use in the Objet printer they already had.