New Colors At Shapeways? Again?

By on March 1st, 2011 in Service


Leading consumer 3D print service Shapeways has added Indigo and Dark Grey color options to their awkwardly named but highly descriptive “strong and flexible” plastic material. It seems not a month goes by without the inventive mandarins of Shapeways announcing new colors or material availability. Don’t get us wrong – we think this is the way to greatness: continuous experimentation. Try something and keep it if it works, shut it down if it doesn’t. As a result we now see their amazing service provide all these materials: 
Alumide, Milky White Matte Glass, Full Color Sandstone, White Strong & Flexible, Transparent Detail, White Detail, Black Detail, Stainless Steel, Grey Robust and other experimental materials from time to time
in these colors (not for each material, obviously): 
Grey with Speckles, Milky White, High Gloss White, High Gloss Black, Blue, Magenta, Green, Semi-transparent, Steel, Gold, Bronze, and Grey. And sometimes seasonal experimental colors as well as silver
Aside from new colors, what new materials would you like to see Shapeways offer? Titanium? Wood? Chocolate!

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!


  1. We mean experimentation with the set of products and services they're offering to the public, not experimentation with machinery. Their experiments are the selection of new things to offer. Because of this experimentation, they probably have one of the broadest sets of offerings available today.

  2. Shapeways doesn't experiment with anything, they outsource almost all their production.

    Since they only bought their first piece of equipment recently, I can't imagine they have done any experimentation at all.

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