Make Magazine has produced a complete list of open source hardware projects, ranging in categories from 3D Printing, Arduino, Clocks, Development Platforms, Green Energy, Games, Medical, Robotics and many other areas. The category of interest to us, is of course, 3D printing. There we find the major open projects listed:
- Contraptor
- Fab@Home
- MakerBeam
- MakerBot
- RepRap
And that is indeed the list of the major projects, but we wonder whether there are other smaller projects that might be considered for such a list? Over the past two years we’ve written on several independent projects attempting various angles on 3D printing. But at least so far, none have reached the heights these five have made.
Via Make
as the post said, this guide will never be complete 🙂
any project that is open source and allows use will eventually be added, if i missed one post up in the comments. i am doing another update round this weekend.
linkerlogs will be in there too!
In terms of "open source hardware" in the broader sense of "hardware", my own favorite is the one of the most popular open source projects at last year's Maker Faire, Bill Young's "Linker Logs"
What's great about a project like this is that it's instantly shareable around the world by printing out parts on a CNC tool anywhere — not to mention that it is "open source" in the sense of actually being a design project that is intended and structured to be shared and developed by an engaged community — as has been the case with truly open source software projects. I've recently suggested it to Make.
Ted Hall, ShopBot Tools
Check out these“ rel=”nofollow”>3d printers also.