A short video highlights the methods of NYC Resistor, a hacker group who’s goal, according to founder Bre Prettis is to: Figure stuff out Break things to understand how they work Share whatever we learn Make stuff with whatever we can find In the video, Bre shows off the groundbreaking MakerBot 3D printer kit.… Continue reading Resistor Video
Hands-On Design. For Real!
Josh at SolidSmack posts on a just-discovered video of a truly amazing development: using touch-screen multi-touch gestures to design a 3D model! The software is from SpaceClaim Corp, makers of SpaceClaim Style, Engineer and Viewer. If you look closely in the HD version of the YouTube video, you’ll see they are demonstrating with SpaceClaim… Continue reading Hands-On Design. For Real!
See It Now – 3D Printing on Paper!
The unusual MCOR Matrix 3D Printer is now revealed in a video taken at a public exhibition in Dublin. MCOR informs us that this is in fact the “first and only” official video of their product, a 3D printer that uses plain old paper as its media. Yes, that’s right – paper is used… Continue reading See It Now – 3D Printing on Paper!
Fab@Home Video
With all the buzz lately around MakerBot, RepRap and other kits, don’t forget about Fab@Home, one of the senior kit initiatives. We’ve found a video that shows the entire Fab@Home sequence, from assembly of the printer itself to printing operations. Printed: Cup, Watchband, Chocolate! Via YouTube
MakerBot at Google TechTalk
Enjoy a great 35 minute video of Adam Meyer, one of the three founders of MakerBot, speaking at TechTalk. Adam provides a good overview of the “juggernaut of 3D industry”, Makerbot Industries. He speaks of the inspiration for MakerBot, beginning with the RepRap project and eventually leading to MakerBot’s first product, the Cupcake printer.… Continue reading MakerBot at Google TechTalk
Swiss 3D Video
This video is from a rather interesting Swiss video program showing archeologists making good use of 3D print tech. They’re excavating an ancient Roman amphitheater and surrounding structures, carefully recording locations and dimensions of the buried buildings. Back at the lab, they transform the field survey results into 3D models, which are then printed and… Continue reading Swiss 3D Video
Introductory 3D Printing Videos
Sweet Onion Creations is one of the smaller niche 3D printing services, specializing in architecture prints; they’ve been around about as long as any service. But their small size enables them to take a more personal approach to business. They’ve produced several interesting and rather well-done videos explaining 3D printing in very basic terms.… Continue reading Introductory 3D Printing Videos
There’s Another Stereolithography Vat In Town
While we’re on the topic of giant stereolithography printers, we’ve just been tipped onto a video of another. This one is the iPro 9000 XL, evidently the largest commmercially available SL system. Amazingly, the build chamber is a 59 inch long vat full of liquid manufacturing media. Somehow we just don’t find SL videos as… Continue reading There’s Another Stereolithography Vat In Town
RepRap Video
This wonderful video by Kyle Ronan shows a home-built RepRap printer in action. RepRap is an open source project that intends on providing the design for an easy-to-build 3D printer that is capable of reproducing all the parts that it’s made from. And, it’s actually already done this! Still needs some assembly, however. Back to… Continue reading RepRap Video
Giant Prototypes
The typical 3D printer of today has a rather small build chamber, usually 10 cm, give or take. The more expensive devices have somewhat larger build chambers. Parts that don’t fit within build chambers must be broken down into smaller pieces that are manually assembled later. But an anonymous tipster put us on to a… Continue reading Giant Prototypes
Desktop Factory Test Sample Video!
BadBrad is back at it, and this time he’s somehow managed to infiltrate the secret Desktop Factory laboratories to try out the highly anticipated, world’s first sub-USD$5,000 3D printer. The object he chose to print was an iPhone case, and as you’ll see in the video, it’s a little bit rough around the edges. But… Continue reading Desktop Factory Test Sample Video!
New 3D Printer Video
We just bumped into this fascinating video which takes us briefly through the entire lifecycle of a 3D print process. In this case, the goal is a to produce a small pile of wrenches. A wrench is designed on a CAD system The CAD model is sent to the printer The printer produces the objects… Continue reading New 3D Printer Video
Alaris 30 Video
We’ve uncovered a video that demonstrates the new Objet Alaris 30 3D printer. We wrote about this amazing new device last week, but you must see the video. They obviously highlight all the statistics, but videos of the resulting objects really brings it home for us. They’ve printed objects that fit together, and fit together… Continue reading Alaris 30 Video
We recently posted on the topic of “Programmable Matter” as a futuristic concept. Well, it *is* futuristic, but perhaps it’s a little bit closer than we think. We encountered “The Claytronics Project” at Carnegie Mellon, whose mission is: This project combines modular robotics, systems nanotechnology and computer science to create the dynamic, 3-Dimensional display of… Continue reading Claytronics!
More 3D Printing Videos
We’ve uncovered some interesting 3D printing videos that demonstrate RepRap, Fab@Home and the Shapeways 3D print service, all on a single web page, thanks to The Scientific Indian Via The Scientific Indian
Radiohead in 3D
Band Radiohead has produced a video that makes extreme use of 3D modeling and scanning tools. The video “House of Cards” is entirely made from 3D scans and models of live actors and actual neighborhoods. Of course, once captured electronically, the actors and neighborhoods can be blown up! Actually the models fragment and blow… Continue reading Radiohead in 3D
Xeni Jardin Tours TechShop
BoingBoingTV’s incomparable Xeni Jardin took an extensive tour of TechShop, interviewing founder Jim Newton and several on site users of TechShop. TechShop is a chain of open access workshops containing various high-tech (read: expensive) manufacturing equipment that anyone can use. Hobbyists and small businesses bring ideas to TechShop and bring them to life. The concept… Continue reading Xeni Jardin Tours TechShop
HP On 3D Printing
GigaOm has posted an interesting video interview with Vyomesh Joshi, Executive Vice President of Imaging & Printing at HP. Joshi speaks of new twists in the 2D print industry, but our interest was perked up towards the 10 minute mark in the video, where he speaks of HP’s 3D printing interest. He said HP has… Continue reading HP On 3D Printing
3D Scanner from NextEngine
We’ve discussed the idea of having large libraries of 3D models in the future, so that we can quickly print out any required object. But where exactly do these models come from? There are only two possibilities: Design it yourself. Obviously difficult, especially if you don’t have specialized training and a whole lot of… Continue reading 3D Scanner from NextEngine
The Future of Personal Manufacturing
Platform Design has an interesting article and video on the topic of personal fabrication. Presenter Neil Gershenfeld speaks less on specific device and technologies, but more on the social aspects – including the sense personal power that appears when individuals have the ability to create the things they want. He also discusses the issues that… Continue reading The Future of Personal Manufacturing
Bowyer Raps on Rep-Rap
At Poptech 2007 Adrian Bowyer presented concepts of machine reproduction, focusing on the open source project, RepRap. Yes, that’s correct: machines replicating themselves. RepRap is an open project attempting to be the first “practical self-copying 3D printer”. In the 18 minute video Bowyer shows us a breakdown of the machine, including delineating which of its… Continue reading Bowyer Raps on Rep-Rap
Objet Videos
We seem to be hearing from Objet frequently lately. Just to keep up the trend, I’ve found a couple of interesting videos involving Objet printers, including the Eden 250. While the results aren’t quite as striking as those from a Z Corp printer, the Objet is certainly a lot less messy. Via YouTube and YouTube
Simon Wardley Speaks
Simon Wardley posts a 24 minute video of his talk from the September 2006 EuroOscon, in which he speculates about the affects of 3D printing technology on the future of manufacturing – including the revolutionary concept of a kind of “hardware compiler”. This simultaneously interesting and amusing presentation covers the historical view of how such… Continue reading Simon Wardley Speaks
Wall Street Journal Covers Fab@Home
The Wall Street Journal Online has published a new video that introduces the concept of personal fabbing. They focus on the MIT Fab@Home project (which we covered earlier) and discuss the future implications of personal manufacturing. The video demonstrates some unusual techniques, such as embedding electronics during printing – resulting in a working flashlight (after… Continue reading Wall Street Journal Covers Fab@Home
Build Your Own Fab
I Make Things is publishing four videos of weekend projects that will lead you to building your own RepRap 3D printer. The first episode covers the electronics, and includes a short video explaining the basic components required and how to put them together. RepRap is an open source project for a 3D additive printer that… Continue reading Build Your Own Fab
PolyJet Video
Further to this post, Objet has posted a video of their new composite-media technology, using the Connex 500 3D printer. The video shows how two reservoirs of different media can be used to produce objects not previously printable in a single pass. Watch the production of cellphone covers with differently colored keypads, a hairbrush and… Continue reading PolyJet Video
Fabbing Videos
Here is a great collection of fabbing videos from Objet featuring several of their 3D printers. If you’ve never seen fabbing, this is a good place to begin. Note that these particular models are suitable for industrial prototyping, and not consumer-level desktop units. Many of the videos demonstrate not only the actual object deposition, but… Continue reading Fabbing Videos