Do 3D printers fly? Apparently, they do.
Jawset Introduces Postshot: AI-Driven 3D Scanning Tool Now in Beta
Jawset offers beta access to a new 3D scanning tool, Postshot.
Why Asian 3D Print Software Feels Confusing to Western Users
If you’ve been troubled with the sometimes confusing interfaces of Asian 3D print software, it turns out there is a reason why this happens.
“High Resolution” 3D Printer Resins Exposed: Do They Really Work?
An interesting video popped up, exposing the marketing buzz around “high resolution” 3D printer resins.
Desktop Filament Machines: How Quality Challenges Are Finally Being Overcome
I had a thought about the future of self-made 3D printer filaments.
Design of the Week: LIfe Size Body Print
This week’s selection is the amazing life size body print made by Matty Benedetto.
Nano Dimension’s CEO Takes Aim at Stratasys with Unconventional Daily Videos
The CEO of Nano Dimension is publishing daily videos talking about their proposed Stratasys acquisition.
Tiny Yet Mighty: Introducing the Smallest Working 3D Printer
A video has emerged that shows what is likely the smallest 3D printer ever made.
Analyzing 3D Print Company Valuations: A 21-Month Review
I’ve been reviewing our weekly 3D print company valuation data, and have some interesting results to report.
The Revo Is Revealed
E3D-Online published a revealing video showing many more details and capabilities of their new Revo system.
Is It Possible To Build Your Own Belt 3D Printer?
Belt 3D printers are becoming more popular, but they can be expensive. Can you build one instead?
Common 3D Printing Issue Finally Diagnosed
In an epic feat of diagnosis, Stefan Hermann has determined what can cause a very common 3D printing issue.
Looking at Tecnica’s Unusual SLS Optical System
Tecnica provided an interesting explanation of a common issue in SLS 3D printers, and their unique solution.
Neil Patrick Harris Gets 3D Printing
Actor Neil Patrick Harris started 3D printing this week in a live event.
Watch 3DQue’s Live 1000 Hour 3D Print Endurance Test
3DQue announced they intend on performing a lengthy demonstration of continuous 3D printing of “up to 1000 hours”.
The MakerGear Endurance Test
MakerGear published a video of an impressive endurance test.
Hints Of A New LulzBot Desktop 3D Printer
A mysterious video trailer suggests a new, inexpensive LulzBot 3D printer could be soon on the market.
Formlabs Shows Everyone How To Do It
Formlabs announced a new scan-to-print feature that demonstrates how 3D printing should really be approached.
3D Printing: On Mars
If you’ve ever wondered why some keep trying to 3D print objects in space, I have a video for you.
3D Print Materials Count: A Field Test Of Lightweight PLA
An RC flyer has performed a very real test of a lightweight 3D printing materials.
Could Casual 3D Printing Go Large?
A new video shows the potential of large-format home 3D printing.
Shining 3D Releases ExScan 3.6
Shining 3D has released a new version of their 3D scanning software for EinScan devices, version 3.6.
Matt Rittman’s Gun CAD Creations Show How The Real Things Work
It can be baffling how CAD encompasses a seemingly infinite number of fields: from animation, to product prototyping, to homemade 3D printing.
Can Apple’s LIDAR System Be Used For 3D Scanning?
With the release of new hardware from Apple, it seems millions will have a LIDAR 3D scanner in their pockets or purses, but can it really be used for 3D scanning?
Modeler Recreates Scenes From Studio Ghibli’s “Nausicaä” in 3D
If you’ve never watched a Studio Ghibli movie before, stop what you are doing and watch one now.
Watching 3D Printed Tungsten Crack In Real Time
Researchers have found a way to directly observe micro-cracking of 3D printed tungsten metal.
Essentium Materials Handling Guide Reveals Drying Insights For 3D Printing
Everyone knows 3D printer filament must be dry to function properly, but exactly how is this best done?
Design of the Week: XXL 3D Printed LEGO Go-Kart
This week’s selection is the enormous XXL 3D Printed LEGO Go-Kart by Matt Denton.
New ‘Lockdown Lectures’ Are a Must for Product Design Success
The COVID-19 crisis has forced many events online, and this one offers design process lectures free to all.
3D Printing Conversations Continue With Video Series Launches
New video series launches are keeping conversations going in the 3D printing industry.
Producing Paper Objects With 3D Printing
An inventive designer has developed a method for producing 3D paper objects using recycled paper and 3D printed molds.
More On The 3D Printer Hair Incident
We were able to view video footage of the 3D printing hair-caught incident from last week and have determined exactly how it occurred, and how to prevent it from happening again.
Design of the Week: Glitter Bomb Trap 2.0
This week’s selection is the Glitter Bomb Trap 2.0 by Mark Rober.
Robiot Can Automatically Design Handy Household Machines
Researchers have developed an incredible system to automatically design 3D printable parts to implement mechanical systems from only a video.
Behind the Design: How Urwahn 3D Printed a Bike for Urban Riding Conditions
Watch how Urwahn Bikes used 3D printing to design a fully functional urban bike.
Big Chemical Forces To Pivot
What happens when the big guys move into 3D print materials? The smaller players must pivot; is no longer selling filament!
Secrets of Prusa Research 3D Printer Manufacturing
A video tour inside the operations of Prusa Research gives a close look at what it takes to make high-quality 3D printers and 3D printing filament.
Prusa Research Ships 100,000 Machines
Prusa Research has now officially sold more than 100,000 desktop 3D printers.
Choosing The Best 3D Printing Process
Need to select a 3D printing process for an additive manufacturing project? These videos explain the major differences between SLS, FDM, SLA, MJF and more.
Design of the Week: 3D Printed Croissant Machine
This week’s selection is the practical 3D Printed Croissant Machine, by Alexis Gabriel Ainouz, a.k.a. French Guy Cooking.
Finding Your Niche: XJet’s Nuclear Ambitions
XJet is focusing strongly on ceramic 3D printing applications, something they may not have initially planned.
Strengthen PLA Prints By Annealing
Many 3D printer operators are unaware of a technique for transforming materials into stronger versions: annealing.
Book of the Week: Model-Making for Set Designers
This week’s selection is “The Handbook of Model-making for Set Designers” by Colin Winslow.
Opening Eyes To Grander 3D Printing
I’ve been watching some 3D print videos from Fabbaloo friend Joel Telling, and realized something about how 3D print practices are changing.
Printlab Releases Free Course For 3D Printed Assistive Technology
Printlab released a video course to help designers create and 3D print assistive aids.
The Desperate Need For More Advanced 3D Print Slicers
After watching a fascinating video showing a powerful strengthening technique, I am convinced we have a long way to go with 3D printing software.
How to Prepare a Design Guide for Accurate Manufacturing Bids
For years we’ve been watching industrial designer Eric Strebel’s insightful design process videos; videos that show how he goes about making products from start to finish.
YouTube: Empowering You and 3D Printing
Charles Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi examine the role of YouTube in empowering those interested in exploring 3D printing.
More On 3D Printed Repairs
Our earlier post on the feasibility of performing self-repairs with 3D printing generated some feedback.
Generating 3D Models from Video?
Have you heard of “continuous-time structure from motion”? You may hear a lot more soon.
A Caution for 3D Printer Startups: You’re Too Late
After watching a video of Prusa Research headquarters, it’s increasingly obvious that time is up for new 3D printer startups.
The Wonder That Is OctoLapse
I’ve been fascinated with a new plug-in called OctoLapse.
The 3DP365Project
If you’re wondering what Jeffrey Wright is doing today, he is 3D printing something.
Design of the Week: Yet ANOTHER Machine Vise
This week’s selection is the 3D printable vise system by Pinshape contributor Christoph Laimer, a.k.a. “TheGoofy”.
Katherine Bialek – “I Enjoy Inventing, Finding Solutions, and Being Able to Carry Out That Process Myself”
Katherine is an innovator, a mother, a maker, an entrepreneur. She built a live-streaming 3D printing platform, MyMultiExtruder, on which she shares her 3D printing experiences.
Resurrecting an Extinct Chocolate Bar with 3D Printing
It’s now been proven: prehistoric chocolate bars can indeed be brought back from extinction!
The Lost Wax Casting Method, In Video
You may have heard of the “lost wax” method, but I found a video that demonstrates the process in great detail.
Have You Ever Tried Casting Silicone With 3D Printed Molds?
A great video by industrial designer Eric Strebel shows the technique required to successfully cast silicone with 3D printed molds.
Should You Use Blender for 3D Printing? i.Materialise Thinks So
3D print service i.materialise published a pretty decent guide showing how to prepare 3D print files using Blender, but we’re wondering if Blender is the right tool for the job.
Free Course on 3D Printing Technology
Deloitte University Press is offering an introductory course on 3D printing aimed at business and professionals.
See Autodesk’s Ember 3D Printer In Action
A video of Autodesk’s new high-resolution 3D printer has been released.
This 3D Printed Xenomorph Suit is Getting Scary
James Bruton’s project to create a full scale, wearable Xenomorph suit is looking terrifying.
A Peek Inside Shapeways
Shapeways just opened a new 3D print factory. Want to see inside?
The Fabulous Dorito 3D Printer
Print Doritos in any shape!
An Introduction to Support Structures
We’ve found a terrific introductory video explaining the reasons for use of support structures when 3D printing.
Tom’s Leveling Video
Thomas Sanladerer presents a video explaining how to level the bed on your 3D printer.
The Zim 3D Personal Printer
It’s another week and obviously time for another new 3D printer launch on Kickstarter. This week the Zim 3D printer launched, hoping to raise funds for its first production run. With new 3D printers launch almost daily, it is very difficult for new entrants to distinguish themselves above the other offerings. What does Zim… Continue reading The Zim 3D Personal Printer
Coca Cola 3D Prints Mini-Me’s
Here’s an interesting marketing angle: Coca Cola Israel recently launched their new “mini bottle”. To promote it they offered a free 3D print of the winners. Yes, “of the winners”. A contest selected a small number of winning entrants, who were then invited to Coca Cola Israel’s factory, where sophisticated full-body 3D scanners captured… Continue reading Coca Cola 3D Prints Mini-Me’s
3D Printed Bullets?
A new video has surfaced of experiments with 3D printed bullets. The video, produced by popular gun video enthusiasts Taofledermaus, shows three actual firings of said bullets. One firing involves 1/10 of an ounce (3g) of powder, another is 1/2 an ounce (14g) and the third shows a very unusual shape, which fails miserably.… Continue reading 3D Printed Bullets?
Stratasys’s Finishing Secrets
Stratasys has released a video detailing some of their secret (well, maybe not so secret) finishing processes. The video shows various tumbling media machines that operate similar to rock polishing tumblers – an object is tossed around within a bath of rough media. Gradually the objects become smooth after a relatively short period in the… Continue reading Stratasys’s Finishing Secrets
3D Printed Steadicam
Have an idle 3D printer and a GoPro action cam? Why not build yourself your very own GoPro steadicam mount? An Instructables by member haqnmaq shows you all the necessary steps, including 3D printing several parts for the key mechanism. The Instructable includes the STL 3D models for the Fork and Gimbal pieces, which… Continue reading 3D Printed Steadicam
3D Printing Basics Explained
Fabbaloo’s own General Fabb appears in a video produced by the Winnipeg Free Press. In the video our General introduces the concept of 3D printing in a minute or two for those who haven’t been exposed to the technology. The video takes place at Canada’s largest makerspace, AssentWorks, another venture by the General. The… Continue reading 3D Printing Basics Explained
PBS On 3D Printing
PBS has produced a brief seven minute video providing an overview of 3D printing, including interviews with Solidoodle, Shapeways and Wired. They cover the possibilities of the technology, whether for good or evil and generally get you wound up about the future. Exciting! Via YouTube
Prehistoric 3D Printing Video
And now some 3D Printing history. This amazing historic TV clip originates with a show entitled, “Good Morning America” and is dated from 1989 – twenty-four years ago. It’s so ancient they don’t even refer to the process as “3D Printing”, but use “Stereolithography”, the name of the process just then invented by Chuck… Continue reading Prehistoric 3D Printing Video
Global TV Features 3D Printing
Chief Correspondent Carolyn Jarvis of Canada’s Global TV presented a very comprehensive look at today’s state of 3D printing on their current affairs show, “16×9”. We bring this to your attention as this is perhaps the most mature examination of the technology we’ve recently seen by the media, which recently has tended towards the spectacular,… Continue reading Global TV Features 3D Printing
The Form 1, Live
At CES we spent some quality time with Formlabs Co-Founder Maxim Lobovsky. After we sorted out the bizarre food ordering procedure at a funky Japanese burger food truck, we talked about Formlab’s experience so far. As a startup company, they’re heavily concerned with focusing on delivering a quality product. Lobovsky says, “Everyone has ideas… Continue reading The Form 1, Live
Augmented 3D Printing
Architects have long used 3D printing as a means to better visualize their design ideas. By 3D printing a building you can “see” it much better than through a 2D screen and thus gain insight you’d otherwise miss. But the problem is that the 3D model is, well, static. It just sits there. It… Continue reading Augmented 3D Printing
BBC Newsnight Examines 3D Printing
This video from the BBC provides an introduction to 3D printing, including the process of being scanned and 3D printed. The video also considers the challenges that will inevitably arise when 3D printing becomes common, including object piracy and the transformation of manufacturing. There’s even a quick interview with designer Sir James Dyson, but the… Continue reading BBC Newsnight Examines 3D Printing
MIB 3’s 3D Printed Weaponry
Did you ever wonder where the amazing weapons in the MIB movies come from? They are prototyped using 3D printing by Moddler, a custom 3D printing service based in San Francisco using an Objet Eden 550V. The Objet device is a good choice for this application, since it’s PolyJet technology permits the creation… Continue reading MIB 3’s 3D Printed Weaponry
3D Systems Brings LAIKA’s ParaNorman to Life
3D Systems Corporation’s ZPrinter 650 is the first ever full-color 3D printer used in a stop-motion animated film, ParaNorman, produced by Portland, Oregon based animation studio LAIKA. Known for integrating innovation with the hand-created artistry of the stop motion technique, LAIKA utilized 3D printing to create over 31,000 individual, color facial parts for production. … Continue reading 3D Systems Brings LAIKA’s ParaNorman to Life
The 3D Printing Survey Comes Alive
Readers may recall a widespread survey of the 3D printing industry was undertaken a short time ago. While we have already published our highlights of the survey, we’d like you to have another look at them. In a very different way. Stephen Murphy has transformed the static numbers into highly animated charts and… Continue reading The 3D Printing Survey Comes Alive
3D Printer Releases at RAPID 2012
At the SME’s RAPID 2012 conference and exposition, four new 3D printers were announced by Objet, Mcor, envisionTEC and 3D Systems. These systems cover the whole gamut: tiny 3D printers to big parts and parts in full color to parts with advanced materials. View the Video at
3D Printer Assisted Super Bowl Ads
We know that 3D printing was used extensively or partially in the production of several recent movies, including Iron Man and Coraline. But did you know that 3D printing was employed to assist the development of some of this year’s Super Bowl advertisements? Objet reports that 3D printing was used in two Bridgestone ads… Continue reading 3D Printer Assisted Super Bowl Ads
3D Printing Video Controversy
A 3D printing video from National Geographic went viral on the interwebs last week and quickly generated some controversy among 3D printing enthusiasts. In the video, physicist David Kaplan visited ZCorp HQ to “find out whether they can print a crescent wrench”. Kaplan was shown a selection of amazing items printed on ZCorp devices,… Continue reading 3D Printing Video Controversy
The World’s Smallest Stop Motion Video
Nokia Cellscope: a very simple combination of a Nokia phone and a microscope, capable of seeing very small things at low cost. The idea is to enable those in third world countries to perform basic microscopy – and then instantly transmit results for expert analysis elsewhere. To celebrate the development of the Cellscope,… Continue reading The World’s Smallest Stop Motion Video
MakerFaire Video
Take a look at a great video from the recent MakerFaire where: Bre Prettis of MakerBot provides a brief explanation of their hobby 3D printer Jeffrey Lipton of the Fab at Home project explains the unique features of their printer, which is capable of printing electronics or even batteries. Max Freeman of Alibre – demonstrates… Continue reading MakerFaire Video
MakerBot Introduction Video
Yeah, we keep talking about MakerBot. But this wonderful video introduces the MakerBot concept and how it arose from Maker Culture. There’s plenty of other highly interesting (but unrelated) videos to watch, too. Enjoy! Via Babelgum
Prototek Manufacturing
CNBC and Fox Business News recently aired a segment of “21st Century Business” in which Prototek Sales Manager Dennis Rocheford explained a bit about his company. Originally in the sheet metal rapid prototyping prototyping business, they’ve been expanding their capability and now include stereolithography and 3D printing with ZCorp machinery. Prototek is a large rapid… Continue reading Prototek Manufacturing
Radiohead Data Becomes a Head!
About a year ago, Radiohead released a great video of “House of Cards”, much of which was singer Thom Yorke’s face and head illuminated by teeny points of laser light. Very inventive, for certain, but they went a step further: Radiohead released CSV files the point cloud on Google Code for public access under a… Continue reading Radiohead Data Becomes a Head!
The Metal Process – Revealed!
We found a great video from Shapeways that takes you through the entire process of producing a metal object. From initial printing in stainless steel powder (with organic binder), through curing and bronze infusion that leads to the final item, you’ll see it all. Missing: the finishing stage. Get out the brushes and start polishing!… Continue reading The Metal Process – Revealed!
Pirillo on 3D Printing
New video shows tech maven Chris Pirillo explain 3D printing to his online audience. Pirillo explains the basics, from 3D modelling, scanning to layered deposition techniques. He goes to great lengths to ensure his audience understands that you can’t actually replicate functioning devices, like a TV remote control. Well, not yet, anyway. Via YouTube
The popular crime TV show, CSI: NY, recently featured a 3D printer in an episode. In this sequence, CSI Detective Mac Taylor in white lab coat is using a powder-based 3D printer to reproduce a bullet apparently embedded in a horse, in order to identify the bullet. (Who writes this stuff???) We suppose one could… Continue reading 3D CSI
Model Factory Hiro Uses 3D Printing
Model Factory Hiro, a Japanese maker of highly intricate model car kits makes good use of 3D printing technology in their development process. In Mech9’s video and extensive write up, we can see the entire process from choice of car (Misao Hiro, President: “Something I like”) to the final preparations. Model Factory Hiro primarily… Continue reading Model Factory Hiro Uses 3D Printing
We bumped into a great video detailing the operation of the new SOLIDO SD300 Desktop 3D Printer. The video shows all steps from design through our favorite moment (striking the “Build” button) through to pulling the completed printed object out of the device. Via YouTube
New MCOR Video
The mysterious paper-fed MCOR Matrix 3D printer has made its TV debut on the Irish Late Late Show in this 5 minute interview. The founders of MCOR, Conor and Fintan MacCormack, explain the basics of 3D printing to the presenter, but along the way there were a few tidbits of interest: MCOR claims to… Continue reading New MCOR Video