What’s the difference between “FDM” and “FFF” anyway?

Lucite and 3D Printing

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi look at the use of Lucite and similar materials in industry and 3D printing.

Bell Helicopters and 3D Printing

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi look at how Bell have used a variety of 3D printing technologies and services to make parts for their helicopters.

Stratasys Acquires RPS!

Stratasys continues in targeted 3D printing M&A, today announcing that it is acquiring UK-based RPS.

Origin, A Stratasys Company

As anticipated, today it’s official: Origin is a Stratasys company following the close of the latest major 3D printing acquisition.

Speculations On 3D Printing In 2030

It’s the start of a new year, and time for predictions. But this time I’m going for broke and predicting not what might happen in 2021, but instead in 2030!