Co Print announced “Series II”, a significant upgrade of their high speed multicolor 3D printing system.
set top
Hands On With The Mintion Beagle 2 3D Printer Camera
We have been testing the Mintion Beagle V2 Camera for 3D printing, and discovered it’s far more than just a camera.
Have You Used BuildBee?
BuildBee is a new online tool for 3D print job preparation.
What Is Klipper, And Should You Use It?
Klipper is a very powerful firmware addition to most 3D printers.
In Her Own Words: The Mother Of OctoPrint
OctoPrint is certainly one of the most well known systems in 3D printing, but do you know the story of how it came to be?
Can Ulendo Really 3D Print Twice As Fast?
There’s a new Kickstarter project out called Ulendo that says it can enable 3D printing at up to double-speed.
Teg: “A Bold New Way To 3D Print Over WiFi”
I found what appears to be a new 3D print utility in the making: Teg.
AstroPrint Announces Education Plan
AstroPrint announced a new service dedicated to education, Astroprint For Education. The service allows an institution to effectively manage 3D printers in schools.
An Easy Solution For OctoPrint Security?
Last week we wrote on the problem of OctoPrint security, and this week we found a very good solution.
What Dangers Face 3D Printer Set Top Users?
With the increase in set top options for desktop 3D printers, I’m wondering what might go wrong.
Matterhackers’ New MatterControl T7X
MatterHackers announced a new, upgraded 3D printer set-top controller, the MatterControl T7X.