Over The Top: The World’s Biggest Rubik’s Cube is 3D Printed

We’ve been reviewing the accomplishments of puzzle makers who have made the leap into 3D printed designs and found, quite literally, the world’s biggest Rubik’s cube.    3D printing unleashes the imagination of designers, permitting ideas to become reality. One particular creation industry has strongly latched onto this capability: puzzle making.     Master puzzle… Continue reading Over The Top: The World’s Biggest Rubik’s Cube is 3D Printed

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Puzzle Complexity Rises With 3D Printing

3D printing technology has begun to change many industries and even individual lives, but one area we hadn’t considered was the making of 3D puzzles. A piece on GigaOM details the journey of two master puzzle makers into the modern 3D world.    Traditional puzzle making involved time-consuming hand carving and construction, limiting the number… Continue reading Puzzle Complexity Rises With 3D Printing

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