Prusa Research has rebranded their 3D model repository; it’s now “Printables”.
Design of the Week: Caution Sign
This week’s selection is a fun Caution Sign by PrusaPrinters contributor Scottw86.
Prusa’s New Rewards and Badging System: Wither Thingiverse?
Prusa Research announced unique reward and badging systems for their PrusaPrinters site, and there are some very interesting implications.
Alternatives to Thingiverse, 2021 Edition
There are many online sources for printable 3D content, but where are they?
Sizing Up The Major Printable 3D Model Repositories
One way to measure a printable 3D model repository is by the number of models.
Prusa Releases Glimpse Of Future Farm System
Josef Prusa dropped some big hints about their upcoming 3D printer farm software and we speculate on what’s to come next.
Prusa Takes Aim At Thingiverse
Prusa Research seems to be taking aim at capturing the crown of 3D model repositories from Thingiverse with the help of a one-touch import tool.