Entertainment giant Disney has published an interesting study on a system they’ve developed to assist in the design of “compliant objects”, which could be very useful in 3D printing.
TAC.TILES is a DJ-like Physical Interface for 3D Modeling
As you are well aware, those wonderful 3D models you create each day are traditionally crafted with a mouse, a keyboard, too many mouse clicks and an occasional flinging of the keyboard across the room.
Google’s Blocks Has Nothing to Do With 3D Printing, or Does It?
Google announced a new online tool called “Blocks” for creating 3D objects.
Fiverr Introduces ‘Fiverr Pro’ Platform for High-Caliber Design Talent
In the (relatively new) world of on-demand services ranging from car rides to grocery delivery, winners can come out on both sides:
Alibre Cranks on the Burners. Starts Serving Up Hot 3D Modeling Software Again
Remember Alibre?
Another Online 3D CAD Option: SelfCAD, with a Surprise For Readers
I’m looking at a new online 3D CAD service, SelfCAD.
3D Slash Releases Version 3.0
France-based 3D Slash released a new version of their popular entry-level 3D design tool with some useful features.
Adobe Pushes Deeper Into 3D and UX Design
Right out of the gate for 2017, Adobe is offering a pair of applications featured at the Adobe MAX 2016 conference
Vectary Online 3D Modeling Platform Blasts Out of Beta
Take that last swig of cold coffee and check this out. Vectary, the online 3D modeling platform, is now out of beta.
Shapr3D for iPad Pro Adds Sketch Constraints, Dimensioning and More
Right when you think everyone gave up on putting parametric 3D CAD software on an iPad, a small, rebellious group of software developers launches an app that puts those large, money-laden software companies to shame.
Topology Optimization for 3D Printing Hits the Cloud with Generate
As a manufacturing technology, 3D printing is only as powerful as the designs that it is used to create.
GrabCAD Print Makes Public Debut
Earlier this year, Stratasys announced the launch of a new software for streamlined print management called GrabCAD Print.
Microsoft’s Paint 3D: Introductory, Not Revolutionary
Windows 10 now includes Paint 3D, a simple 3D modeling program.
Netfabb Basic: Lost, Then Found!
A while ago we posted a short piece wondering what the heck happened to the very popular Netfabb Basic software. Now, there’s an answer. A few actually.
I Just Used SketchUp in the Browser, And It’s Awesome
Trimble sent out an email earlier announcing my.SketchUp and, as you can imagine, it looks just like SketchUp–a wide open modeling area, simple interface and east-to-use tools.
3D Printing Software That Might Pay For Itself
France-based Deltaface has produced 3D print preparation software that could save you some money.
First Glimpse at Vectary Online 3D Modeling Tool
Well, we’ve been waiting a long six months, but we’ve finally received access to Vectary, the highly anticipated, online 3D modeling tool, and we’re all sorts of excited to pop open a browser and see what it can do.
Autodesk Announces Gift of $25,000 in Product Design Software for Every Fab Lab
When it comes to equipping tomorrow’s designers and engineers with the tools they need to create compelling projects today, few companies have been as generous in offering access to software, tools and even fabrication facilities as Autodesk has.
Regional 3D Print Services Emerge
In spite of the efforts of the major 3D printing industry companies to grow their empires around the world, there is still much opportunity for regional players to emerge.
What Is Stratasys Doing With Thingiverse, Anyway?
In 2013, Stratasys acquired MakerBot and all its assets. Besides the printer company, the deal also included Thingiverse.
Onshape’s Generous – And Completely Free – 3D CAD Service For Education
While you might be aware of Onshape’s limited free plan for online 3D CAD, you might not be aware they offer an unrestricted version for education.
Gravity Sketch Simplifies Touch-Based 3D Design
A fun 3D design app has launched: Gravity Sketch.
New Minority Report-Style 3D Modeling Service Coming: 3DGxPAINT?
I stumbled onto a new, apparently not-yet-launched 3D modeling service that could be extremely interesting: 3DGxPAINT.
It’s A New Version Of 3D Slash!
3D Slash has announced version 2.0 of their powerful, but easy-to-use web-based 3D modeler.
Microsoft Updates 3D Builder App For Windows 10
Did you know Microsoft produces a 3D modeling app? They’ve just updated it, too.
Solidworks Developing “Apps For Kids”
Solidworks is perhaps the best known 3D modeling system for industry, but now they’re introducing 3D tools for kids.
MeshMixer 3.0 Enables Multi-Material 3D Printing
Autodesk’s 123D team has released version 3.0 of MeshMixer, their free – and amazing – 3D modeling utility. This time, it’s all about multiple materials.
Hands On With The Morphi App
We’re testing Morphi on one of our lab iPads, and it seems to be a very good introductory 3D modeling tool.
uMake For 3D Printing? We Don’t Think So
A new iOS app for easily creating sketch-based 3D models appeared: uMake. But we’re not sure it’s best for 3D printing.
Onshape Moves Out Of Beta; Now Officially “Commercial”
Onshape, a new web-based 3D modeling tool, officially concluded their beta test period and is now officially a commercial product.
Is The Most Popular 3D Modeling Software For You? Maybe Not!
i.materialise published a handy list of what they believe to be the most popular 3D modeling software packages, but we have some questions.
Powerful New Features in Onshape
Web-based 3D CAD service Onshape continues to add new features and fixes almost weekly, but recently a very powerful feature was added: DXF and DWG import.
Another MeshMixer Update For You To Download
Autodesk has released another update to their increasingly useful (and free) MeshMixer 3D utility.
Talk With Your 3D Clients With talk3D
Another business-oriented 3D cloud service is preparing for launch: talk3D.
OpenSCAD or OpenJSCAD For Programmatic 3D Modeling?
An interesting new open source project could significantly simplify things for online 3D print services: OpenJSCAD.
Digits2Widgets’ List of 3D CAD Software
There are a huge number of different 3D design software environments. We found a good list of them for you.
Meshmixer Version 2.9 Released
Autodesk Meshmixer is one of my favourite apps for 3D printing.
A Review of Autodesk’s Tinkerplay
Autodesk have been making a big push into the 3D printing software space, mostly with free software like the fantastic Meshmixer.
3D Slash Provides an Easy Way to Produce 3D Models
Looking for a way to easily create 3D models? You might check out 3D Slash.
What is a 3D Model, Anyway?
Those new to 3D printing get excited about the ability to print, but may be wondering about this thing called a “3D model”.
Someone Made Up a 3D Modeling Language Called MadeUp
A project called “MadeUp” provides a way to programmatically generate 3D models suitable for 3D printing.
A Look at Onshape
A relatively recent newcomer to the CAD world, Onshape is riding the waves of Cloud computing and aims to set the standard of industrial and product design of the future.
Hands On With Smoothie-3D
To truly exploit 3D printing technology you need to be able to make your own models.
A Profound MeshMixer Update
MeshMixer 2.8 has been released and it fills a very significant gap in the 123D suite of 3D applications.