Exploring TRELLIS: Microsoft’s Advanced SLAT-Based Generative 3D Model Framework

Microsoft has released a new version of TRELLIS, a generative 3D model framework. There are several tools of this sort now available, but TRELLIS uses a different approach. They explain: “The cornerstone is a unified Structured LATent (SLAT) representation which allows decoding to different output formats, such as Radiance Fields, 3D Gaussians, and meshes. This… Continue reading Exploring TRELLIS: Microsoft’s Advanced SLAT-Based Generative 3D Model Framework

MakerBot Appears at Microsoft Stores

This is an interesting arrangement: MakerBot has partnered with Microsoft to display MakerBot 3D printing gear in select Microsoft retail stores across the USA.    MakerBot will be allocated a space within these stores to set up a “store within a store” concept, similar to what Apple did with certain big box stores before they… Continue reading MakerBot Appears at Microsoft Stores

Digging Deeper Into Microsoft’s 3D Printing Support

A short while ago we described Microsoft’s surprise announcement of their inclusion of 3D printing support natively in Windows 8.1. We’ve been checking out the detailed documentation available from Microsoft on this feature and found some interesting stuff.    They’ve extended existing print and document components within Windows to accommodate 3D printing. “PrintTickets” are created… Continue reading Digging Deeper Into Microsoft’s 3D Printing Support