The project, developed in partnership with Monolithos Limited and 3DHUB, is supported by EIT Manufacturing.
Bambu Lab Firmware Update Sparks Controversy and Misinformation
There’s a massive controversy happening around Bambu Lab’s surprise announcement of a firmware change.
Bridging the Gap to 2025: The Role of Innovation and Legislation in U.S. Farming
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi delve into how the Farm Bill extension and 3D printing innovations are empowering the agricultural sector to adapt to shifting landscapes and consumer demands.
Cosmyx’s High-Speed, Automated 3D Print Farms for Scalable Manufacturing
A new company offers an intriguing 3D print farm solution.
From Palette to Production: Mosaic Manufacturing Shifts Focus to Industrial Additive Manufacturing
We received an update from Mosaic Manufacturing.
The LulzBot Print Farm: A Turnkey Solution for High-Volume 3D Printing
FAME 3D has introduced a 3D printing factory array system, called “LulzBot Print Farm”.
3DQue’s Auto-Eject Feature Now Available for Bambu Lab Equipment
3DQue announced they’ve released an auto-ejection capability for Bambu Lab equipment.
9 Factors to Consider When Choosing a 3D Printer for Continuous Production
What would be the key things to look for when choosing a desktop 3D printer for series production?
Strategies for Economical Filament Sourcing in 3D Printing Ventures
Are there options for lowering the cost of filament?
AM-Flow Demonstrates Game-Changing Bagging System for 3D Print Factories
AM-Flow showcased an intriguing bagging system for 3D printed parts.
3DQue’s Direct2Print System for Etsy and Shopify Now Available
That didn’t take long: 3DQue released their revolutionary Direct2Print system.
3DQue’s Direct2Print Links 3D Printers Directly With Etsy and Shopify
3DQue is working on a powerful new feature they call “Direct2Print”.
Mass Portal Launches MP20 Belt 3D Printer for Automated Part Removal
Mass Portal has a belt 3D printer!
3DQue Announces AutoFarm3D
3DQue announced their flagship software product, AutoFarm3D.
A Walk Through The LulzBot Production Lines
Recently we had the opportunity to tour the LulzBot 3D printer production facility.
3DQue Offers Automated 3D Printing on Many 3D Printer Models
3DQue announced a new service, AutoPrint3D, which provides the software necessary to drive continuous 3D printing.
Mosaic Manufacturing’s Array System
Mosaic Manufacturing is on their way to a much bigger future.
MyMiniFactory Gets Physical: Makes First Acquisition
MyMiniFactory announced the acquisition of 3DC, and thereby changes everything.
Could This Be The Second Biggest 3D Print Farm In The World?
A chat with John Olhoft of FAME 3D revealed something interesting: they operate a truly massive 3D print farm.
3DQue’s Manufacturing Ambitions Coming True
I spoke with 3DQue representatives to find out the latest on their unusual 3D printing technology.
BCN3D Leverages AstroPrint Acquisition Into New Cloud Service
BCN3D announced a very comprehensive cloud system to manage fleets of 3D printers.
Prusa Research Takes Huge Step Into Manufacturing With The Automated Farm System
Prusa Research announced the “Automated Farm System”, a system to control an array of inexpensive 3D printers.
Watch 3DQue’s Live 1000 Hour 3D Print Endurance Test
3DQue announced they intend on performing a lengthy demonstration of continuous 3D printing of “up to 1000 hours”.
Wall-Mounted 3D Printers?
Wait, are wall-mounted 3D printers even possible?
Dual Trends Support Construction And Farm Equipment, And 3D Printing
Charles Goulding, Jr. considers how dual trends position equipment makers like John Deere and Caterpillar for upcoming success.
A Peek Behind The Scenes At Prusa Research
Prusa Research published a series of very interesting statistics about their operations in 2020 and previous years.
Autodrop3d Offers Automated 3D Printing Solutions
I’m looking at Autodrop3d, a company that seems to offer automation solutions for 3D printing.
Thoughts On Using The Prusa MINI In 3D Printer Farms
After working with the Prusa MINI 3D printer, I have some thoughts on the use of this device in a potential 3D printer farm setup.
The Largest 3D Printing Factory Is Coming
A company is in the midst of building what could be the largest 3D print farm in the world.
Start Your Own 3D Printer Farm With RaiseOcto
Raise3D has opened up their RaiseCloud to third party devices, making it possible for anyone to build a 3D printer farm.