Model Factory Hiro Uses 3D Printing

  Model Factory Hiro, a Japanese maker of highly intricate model car kits makes good use of 3D printing technology in their development process. In Mech9’s video and extensive write up, we can see the entire process from choice of car (Misao Hiro, President: “Something I like”) to the final preparations. Model Factory Hiro primarily… Continue reading Model Factory Hiro Uses 3D Printing

Advice on Buying a 3D Printer

A discussion thread at discusses the question, “what should you consider when buying a 3D printer?” The answer, not surprisingly, turns out to be “it depends on what you want to do”. As with any purchase, you must determine your intentions before proceeding. Once you know your direction, you can then consider the basic… Continue reading Advice on Buying a 3D Printer