A team of researchers has developed a 3D printed “bioshade” that automatically reacts to the environment.
Researchers Strengthen 3D Printed Cellulose Aerogels with Carbon Nanofibers
Researchers have identified a method of 3D printing cellulose aerogels with greater strength.
Eco-Friendly Construction Printing Advances with New Nanocellulose Material
Researchers have developed a new eco-friendly material that might be useful for construction 3D printing.
Extrabold and Honoka Show Off Resin 3D Printed Furniture in Milan
The TATAMI ReFAB PROJECT received the second prize award from the SaloneSatellite organizers.
3D Printing with Pulp and Paper Waste
TU Delft researchers have demonstrated 3D printing with waste cellulose and lignin materials.
This 3D Printed Battery is Biodegradable
Researchers at Empa, a Swiss research institute, have developed a 3D printable battery concept that is entirely biodegradable.
A Universal Carrier Ink For Bioprinting
Cellulose fibres and biodegradable nanoparticles were combined by researchers at ETH Zurich to produce a gel that could pave the path for personalized biomaterial implants.
3D Printing A Bacterial Cellulose Hydrogel Matrix
Researchers have found a way to produce 3D media for bacterial cultures using 3D printing that uses cellulose as the material.
Mimicking Wood Tissue With 3D Printing
Researchers have developed an approach that could lead to true wood 3D printing material.
Using Lignin as a 3D Print Material
ORNL Researchers have found a way to 3D print lignin.
MIT Developing Cellulose-Based 3D Printing Material
Researchers at MIT have been working on a practical method of 3D printing cellulose.