To bring designers and engineers across industries together, LEDAS’ research division has announced they are working on a platform which acts as a basis for developing cloud CAD/PLM and AEC/BIM applications.
A 3D Printing Pen of a Very Different Kind
The Yeehaw Wand at first glance might seem like yet another “3D printing pen”, but it’s nothing of the sort.
Dassault Acquires Exa
More consolidation in the 3D CAD market: Dassault Systèmes is acquiring Exa.
Dassault Systemes Points Elbows to Sky, Launches SOLIDWORKS 2018
Well, props to the mom’s of 1,000,000+ designers and engineers who, for reasons unbeknownst to them, gave a collective high-five from the sheer excitement of their sons and daughters learning SOLIDWORKS 2018 was indeed released and now available.
How To Make A 3D Printed Roller Coaster
Matt Schmotzer, a graduate student at Purdue University for mechanical engineering, has always had an affinity towards both roller coasters and 3D printing.
Autodesk Adds SIM + CAM to Product Design & Manufacturing Collection
We LOVE collecting things–Odd design tools, pencil shavings, quesadilla drippings, and software, especially software.
FlowRep: Just What 3D Printing Needs?
Researchers at UBC have developed an incredible system for capturing 3D models from static images.
Product Visualization Pro Esben Oxholm Details His Workflow in New KeyShot Training Course
Few tools are as indispensable in the design engineer’s toolbox as a solid product visualization tool.
A Grab-Bag of 3D Functions From
A new service just announced hopes to provide engineers with a variety of different design services.
5 Reasons Designers Shouldn’t Do Their Own CAD
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When all you know is SolidWorks, everything you design will look like RoboCop. You can do better.
3D Orchard to Assist Open Source Hardware Design
I’m trying out a new online service that hopes to enable makers to work together on open source hardware projects.
Free Online 3D CAD Training in New Onshape Learning Center
You remember rolling out of bed extra early for a week long CAD training session?
Coreform Uses Exact Geometry (Not A Mesh) to Bring You Next-Gen FEA
Remember when you had to create a mesh of your model to run any sort of simulation?
Top 3 Onshape Updates: Composite Curve, 3D Fit Spline, DXF/DWG Import
Onshape snuck one in on us last Friday.
Simulating Your Way out of 3D Printing’s Problems
3D printing is quickly transforming from a method for prototyping and making tooling into a technology for manufacturing end parts.
Top 3 Onshape Updates: Projected Curve, Bridging Curve, Merge Surfaces
Late last week Onshape rolled out another major release.
Autodesk’s Roadmap for Fusion 360
Fusion 360 is Autodesk’s flagship product for 3D CAD in the market. But where is it going? Let’s find out.
Anyone Can CAD Online With
A startup company provides a set of CAD APIs that can be embedded on any website.
Onshape In-Context Assembly Design is Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Seen
Throughout all the years (decades? yeow!) I’ve use 3D modeling software, I can’t think of a time where I didn’t use some type of in-context assembly design.
Shapr3D for iPad Pro Adds Sketch Constraints, Dimensioning and More
Right when you think everyone gave up on putting parametric 3D CAD software on an iPad, a small, rebellious group of software developers launches an app that puts those large, money-laden software companies to shame.
5 New, Must See Features Coming to Fusion 360
If you want to find out what Autodesk is up too, Autodesk University is the place to be each year.
Flashforge Partners With ZW3D for CAD
A major desktop 3D printer vendor selected a CAD vendor as partner.
Onshape Switches Up Subscription Options, Unlimited Docs, Pushes for Pro
Well, well, well. Just as you were getting comfy with the limited private storage of Onshape’s free plan and dumping your Documents occasionally to clear room for others, they’ve gone and switched things up on you.
Why STL Files Can Be Insufficient For 3D Printing
I’m reading an interesting piece by Gal Raz on Medium about the file types required by 3D print service bureaus.
3D Print Community: RhinoSlic3r
This month’s community support selection is the RhinoSlic3r project by Quentin Labrosse.
3YOURMIND’s Powerful 3D Printing Meta-Service
I’m taking a look at 3YOURMIND, a Berlin-based startup that provides simplified ways to access 3D printing services for industrial and professional use.
3DPrinterOS Breaks Silence With New Enterprise Capabilities
I haven’t heard much from 3DPrinterOS for a while, but now the reason for this is clear: they’ve been working on powerful integrations.
And After You Learn 3D CAD…
I’m reading an interesting post on GrabCAD by Khadija Ouajjani that discusses the testing of a 3D design.
5 Ways Fusion 360 Improves Team Collaboration
Well, well, well. We have quite a cocktail coming together here. We’ve poured in some Fusion 360 part modeling and assembly features, and squeezed in a little simulation.
Onshape Continues to Add New Features: When Will It End?
It’s getting hard to keep up with the ongoing changes in Onshape, one of our favorite professional 3D CAD tools.
123D Design Upgraded to 1.7 And Adds Some Very Useful Features
The free 123D suite of apps from Autodesk just got a lot better with the release of 123D Design 1.7.
Onshape Receives USD$80M; Fuel For Massive Growth
Upstart web-based 3D modeling service Onshape just raised a massive USD$80M from a group of venture capital investors, which may lead to a battle for 3D modeling supremacy in the future.
MIT’s Fab Forms Pre-Tests 3D Model Variations
Researchers at MIT have developed “Fab Forms”, a system that pre-tests thousands of variations of a 3D model to simplify end user design.
Powerful New Features in Onshape
Web-based 3D CAD service Onshape continues to add new features and fixes almost weekly, but recently a very powerful feature was added: DXF and DWG import.
A Barrier To 3D Printing: It’s The Design, Not The Making
As the technology of 3D printing increases in capability and reliability, where does one’s workload land? We think it’s in the design.
Polygonica’s Incredible New CAD Model Generation Feature
3D software MachineWorks announced an amazing new feature in their upcoming Polygonica release: the ability to automatically recognize 3D CAD features from a 3D mesh.
Are You Overflowing With 3D Models?
To use a 3D printer, you must have 3D models. But wait, exactly how many do you have? Probably far too many to keep track of.
An Introduction to SolveSpace
I was recently made aware of a free modelling tool called SolveSpace.
Battle of the 3D CAD Systems
Autodesk jiggered the features on their subscription CAD service, Fusion 360. Why did they do so?
A Look at Onshape
A relatively recent newcomer to the CAD world, Onshape is riding the waves of Cloud computing and aims to set the standard of industrial and product design of the future.
DesignSpark Mechanical Goes 2.0
CAD design tool DesignSpark Mechanical has now been upgraded to version 2.0.