VOXELTEK’s Dental 3D Printing System Focuses on Workflow, Not Just Hardware

By on February 5th, 2025 in news, printer

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The Mark VI dental 3D printer [Source; VOXELTEK]

I’ve always thought the application is more important than the machine, and that seems to be the case with VOXELTEK’s new dental 3D printer.

There are tons of dental 3D printers on the market, and even more coming as some resin 3D printer manufacturers turn to that market due to competition in other areas. Most of them focus on the technical aspects of the machine.

The machine must work properly, of course, but there is a lot more to the story. If you ever talk to a dentist about 3D printing (and I have), you will learn they have a lot more concerns than just the technology. They are concerned about training, ease of use, turnaround time, cost, and much more.

In other words, a dental 3D printer has to be a system that works for them in their workplace.

It seems that VOXELTEK, a Hungarian company, has taken that thought forward and implemented a very intriguing system that should be attractive for dentists. They explain:

”The entire operation: patient admission – oral cavity scanning – preparation of the model for 3D printing – 3D printing – embedding the 3D printed application in the patient’s oral cavity, takes less than 60 minutes!”

This is partly due to their implementation of VOXELTEK.live, a platform that provides ready-to-go 3D models for a variety of dental applications, including dental models, provisional bridges, surgical guides, bite splints, full dentures, permanent crowns, and clear dental aligners.

They even provide the 3D scanner for intraoral scanning. As they say:

  1. You scan
  2. We design
  3. You print

This is quite a departure from the technical marketing approach done by many other dental 3D printer manufacturers and seems to hit right to the heart of the issue for dentists: “Can I really use this?”

I’ve seen this pattern for success in other areas of 3D printing: find the application first, build a solution for that, and then sell the 3D printer along with the solution.

It has worked before, and now VOXELTEK uses the same approach for their dental solution.


By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!