UPM Acquires Ultrasonic 3D Printing Pioneer Fabrisonic

By on March 25th, 2025 in Corporate, news

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Metal part 3D printed by Fabrisonic using UAM [Source: Fabbaloo]

Fabrisonic has been acquired.

Columbus-based Fabrisonic was one of the more unusual 3D print startups we’ve seen over the past decade. They developed a unique 3D printing process used by no one else: UAM, or “ultrasonic additive manufacturing”.

The concept involves using high-frequency vibrations to cause molecules in layers of metal to bond together. The process involves no heat, making it inexpensive and suitable for wide use. It also has the unique capability to join unlike metals together. I’ve seen UAM parts made from both aluminum and copper, for example.

Fabrisonic never grew as much as some other startups in the highly competitive AM market. It’s challenging enough to persuade manufacturers to use conventional AM technologies, let alone one as unusual as UAM.

Then this week we see this announcement on Fabrisonic’s website:

“United Performance Metals (UPM), an O’Neal Industries affiliate company, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Fabrisonic LLC, a small tech startup dedicated to inspiring the world with new ways of making materials through its patented process, enabling customers to create concepts impossible with traditional manufacturing. This strategic acquisition will enhance UPM’s capabilities in advanced manufacturing and expand its portfolio of innovative solutions.”

What is UPM? It’s a bit complex, but here’s the story.

In 1984, EWI, an engineering firm, was founded. UPM began as part of EWI, but became an independent company in 2011, then subsequently acquired by O’Neal Industries. Now UPM is acquiring Fabrisonic.

What does UPM do? Their primary role is that of a supplier of advanced metal alloys to industry — a materials provider. For these metal products, they provide basic services such as boring, cutting, engraving, heat treatments, etc. However, they also provide some advanced processing services as well, including resurfacing, advanced cutting, and additive manufacturing.

It seems that they provide a number of service-related to typical metal AM operations, including build plates, part cut-off solutions, wire feedstock, powder, and resurfacing.

The acquisition of Fabrisonic seems to fit into this pattern, as it would provide UPM with an additional AM card to play with their customers, one that no one else has.

For Fabrisonic, this is likely a very strategic move. While ownership of the company passes up to UPM, it does add a great deal of marketing and sales capability to the company. UPM already has a large set of customers, and to these could now be sold new services from Fabrisonic. It’s like getting a new sales force, and that should be very good for the company and the use of UAM.

Via Fabrisonic and UPM

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!