The PIZZAWRMR: Pizza Hut’s Unusual 3D Printed Attachment

By on January 30th, 2025 in Design, news

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The pizza warmer [Source: Pizza Hut]

Somehow I missed this rather strange 3D model: the Pizza Warmer by Pizza Hut.

Pizza Hut does 3D printing? Who knew?

But this is in fact true. Pizza Hut Canada has a website where they describe this unusual 3D printable part.

What does it do? This may sound a bit ridiculous, but it is an attachment for a PS5 game console that conveys the generated hot air into a chamber where it can warm cold, leftover pizza.

Pizza Hut explains:

“Upgrade your console with the hottest pizza warming technology. Using the warmth from your gaming system to keep your slices warm while you play.”

The warmer fits neatly around the PS5, and has a removable lid to access the delicious pizza inside. They say that the lid design was inspired by the traditional Pizza Hut red roof architecture.

I downloaded this 3D model to a) check it out, and b) see if this was truly for real.

It is.

Pizza warmer sign up form [Source: Fabbaloo]

However, you will have to provide your identity in order to access the 3D model, or “3D Print Schematics” as they say.

Something else: I read the disclaimer in the sign-up form, and found some interesting bits, along with the usual corporate disclaimers:

“By downloading the Design, you agree to use only food-safe materials for the 3D printing process. It is your responsibility to ensure that all materials used are safe for contact with food when heated.

You agree to place any food into a food-safe foil tin pan before placing the tin pan containing the food into the printed Design.

You acknowledge that the maximum temperature with the Design may vary depending upon the conditions under which the Design was printed and used. You agree to handle the heated tin pan containing the food with care to avoid any injury.”

The download contains five STLs for the left & right stands, manifold, body, and lid parts. There’s also a rather nice PDF instruction manual included that provides diagrams and much more.

Enormous size of the pizza warmer parts [Source: Fabbaloo]

The instructions say that the required build volume is 15 x 15 x 4” or 381 x 381 x 102 mm. That’s very large and will not fit on typical desktop 3D printers, although they say you should print it in PLA material.

Combining the required build volume with the food-safe warning, it’s pretty clear that almost no one will be able to print and use this item.

In the end, it seems the PIZZAWRMR is really only to gather publicity.

Which seems to have worked in this case, sigh.

Via Pizzwrmr

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!