Somehow I missed this two weeks ago: GE Additive has rebranded.
No longer will the company be known as GE Additive, but instead is now called “Colibrium Additive”. It remains part of the larger GE Aerospace operations and will continue with the same products and services — just under the new branding.
The name is a bit unusual, and in a press release Colibrium Additive explained the origin:
“Colibrium Additive is a coined name, incorporating the words ‘collaborative’ and ‘equilibrium,’ and reflects the company’s expertise, standing shoulder to shoulder with customers every step of the way on their additive journey, and delivering reliable and scalable manufacturing outcomes for them.”
Head of Communications Shaun Wootton explained:
“We were ready for a change. GE becoming three standalone companies provided an ideal opportunity to review our corporate identity. Our new name and brand identity are both modern and dynamic. Both were designed to reflect our focus and company values, the pace of change in the additive industry, while accruing to GE Aerospace’s overall brand identity.”
Part of the branding is the retirement of two long time, well-known 3D printer brands, Concept Laser and Arcam. These brands were inherited by GE Additive when the company acquired them several years ago. At the time GE Additive was interested in getting into the metal 3D printer manufacturing business, and pursued several alternatives, eventually securing Concept Laser and Arcam.
Since the acquisition the company has produced new equipment using their respective 3D print processes, but going forward will do so under the Colibrium Additive brand.
Another acquisition, AP&C, their metal powder manufacturing business, will now add “a Colibrium Additive Business” tagline to their branding.
I believe this to be a good move by the company. GE is an enormous conglomerate of different companies, and by establishing a completely different brand it places their 3D printer manufacturing operations at arm’s length from the larger GE activities in the minds of equipment buyers. It may even open up some new possibilities for customers.
Via GE Aerospace and Colibrium Additive