Design of the Week: Spice Rack Pullout

By on September 9th, 2024 in Design, news

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Spice Rack Pullout 3D model [Source: Printables]

This week’s selection is the Spice Rack Pullout with Metal Rods by Printables contributor SpongyBob.

The best 3D prints are those that solve real life problems, and the Spice Rack Pullout design definitely hits that goal. What is the real life problem here?

It’s the nefarious spice cupboard problem: you need the oregano for that spaghetti sauce you’re making, and it’s somewhere in the spice cupboard shelf. Inevitably, you pull out every single jar of spices, inspecting labels, until you find the oregano.

After finding the elusive oregano, you then put each and every spice jar back in the cupboard. Personally, I hate this scenario and wish there was a good solution.

Now there is one that is quite ingenious. “Bob” has devised a track mechanism that allows cooks to pull out a column of spice jars and immediately inspect them without the need to take everything out of the cupboard.

This looks so easy to use that I might even consider putting the spices in alpha order!

Spice Rack Pullout tracks [Source: Printables]

The design involves a track that’s fixed to the shelf floor, and a pullout that rides on the track. The ingenious part is that once the pullout is exposed, it can be rotated to view all of its spice jars at once. Rotate again and the whole thing is pushed back into the cupboard. Amazing!

There are actually two designs. An earlier version was an all-plastic design, but this one is the improved version. The major change is that instead of having a fixed height you can install adjustable length rods for any height. This accommodates differently-sized spice jars.

There is some assembly required for this item, obviously, but it’s not terribly challenging. You will require a method to attach the track to the shelf, likely screws. It may also be possible to use strong double-sided tape.

This is one model I will definitely be printing.

Via Printables

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!