Authentise Introduces Industry’s First VMI System with Flows Update

By on June 26th, 2024 in news, Service

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Screenshot of the new Vendor Managed Inventory feature [Source: Authentise]

Authentise introduced a rather interesting feature to their Flows service.

Flows is a workflow system to assist manufacturers in automating and tracking all the steps required to produce products. For some manufacturers this can be quite involved as there could be multiple departments and external parties involved.

Further complicating matters is that certain regulatory certifications require tracking of all steps and tracing of materials from end to end. Flows handles much of this, making life a bit simpler for manufacturers.

Now Authentise has introduced a new feature that could be unprecedented for this type of software: materials supplier integration. Authentise describes it as the “industry’s first Vendor Managed Inventory system”.

They’ve partnered with United Performance Metals’ (UPM) Additive Solutions to introduce the new “VMI”. Authentise describes how it works:

“The VMI solution leverages Authentise’s advanced technology to deliver comprehensive traceability for critical components such as metal build plates or powders. By tracking the complete history of these objects, manufacturers can guarantee quality, streamline production, and adhere to rigorous industry standards. Furthermore, the solution streamlines inventory management, ensuring that critical materials are always available and minimizing the need for manual intervention.”

There’s more than just the operational aspects: Authentise believes that by having consignment materials in the vendor’s warehouse, there can be “significant financial savings” for the customer.

It seems that Authentise has lined up a series beta customers that are “eagerly anticipating” the new feature.

Authentise CEO Andre Wegener told us:

“For Authentise, it’s a natural next step on top of our material genealogy to manage a broader inventory. But connecting that with the supplier so they can see stock levels, provide delivery status information and traceability on any supply work is a big step for the industry.”

It’s been fascinating to see Authentise develop their systems. It seems that they have been carefully analyzing the activities of customers and gradually incorporating automation features to simplify the work experience.

Will they run out of things to automate? Likely not, there’s always more things to do.

Via Authentise

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!