A Visit to D2W 3D Printing Factory

We’ve had the pleasure of visiting several 3D print services over the years and today we’re adding another to the list: Digits to Widgets Studios.

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WonderLuk’s Curated 3D Designs

3D printers require 3D models in order to function, so it’s no surprise we see multiple startups hoping to supply great 3D models for printing. One of them is WonderLuk. 

3DVIX: Economical 3D Print Services

We’re looking at a new 3D print service, 3DVIX. Yes, we know there are already many existing 3D print services, but 3DVIX hopes to do things a little differently. 

Skyforge Launches

Element Robot has launched the Skyforge 3D printing service with a new crowdfunding campaign. 

3D Hubs Hits a Milestone

Crowdsourced 3D printing network 3D Hubs achieved a major milestone this week by accepting their 5,000th location. But there’s more to it than mere numbers.

Buy a 3D Printed Stadium

There’s quite a few 3D print services out there today and it’s hard for services to distinguish themselves. One strategy is to specialize and that’s what ZVerse does. They specialize in Sports. 

Want a Job in 3D Printing?

It’s a field that’s exploding and you’d think there would be jobs available for enthusiasts. But how do you find them? We found a solution: Makrjobs.

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Jewelry with Jweel

We’re checking out a new jewelry generator called “Jweel”. It looks like one of the best we’ve seen so far.

uformit Changing?

Oh oh. The uformit site is closed, but it seems like it could be for a good reason.

Secured 3D Prints?

A new service could provide a secure solution for for securely 3D printing. But what does that mean? 

Bhold’s Boutique 3D Prints

3D printers may permit the creation of almost any object, but what object? The key to success is now good design, such as we found in Bhold’s collection. 

Klone World

At CES we encountered Klone World in the 3D Systems’ booth. Klone World is a service that provides the increasingly popular ability to implant your 3D face on a figurine. Klone World offers a number of different figurine scenarios and poses, different than those offered by 3D Systems’ 3DMe service.    Amazingly, the service works… Continue reading Klone World

London’s Science Museum Goes Online with 3D Printing

The London Science Museum, whom we visited recently, is displaying a huge collection of 3D printed objects in their “3D Printing The Future” exhibit. That massive collection is apparently not sufficient for them, as they’ve launched a new Tumblr blog for folks to post pictures of their best 3D prints.    And what a set… Continue reading London’s Science Museum Goes Online with 3D Printing

Project Shapeshifter: How To Torture Objects

Autodesk certainly has delivered very interesting free 3D software available recently – and another that might join the suite might be “Project Shapeshifter”. It’s a web-based service that can be used to develop 3D models.    The service is terribly easy to use: start with a template and simply shift the sliders (as seen in… Continue reading Project Shapeshifter: How To Torture Objects

The Stilnest Option

We had a chat with the nice folks from Stilnest, who operate an online 3D print store. Many such shops have recently emerged, so many that it’s getting difficult to distinguish them.    So what does Stilnest do?    They practice what we might call, “extreme curation”. Where other shops go for quantity, Stilnest focuses… Continue reading The Stilnest Option

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123D Offers More 3D Content

One of the best introductory 3D toolsets you can use is Autodesk’s 123D Suite, particularly the 123D Design tool. But when you’re designing something, it’s often very helpful to begin your design with an existing model that you can modify.    123D does this by providing a library of thousands of starter models you can… Continue reading 123D Offers More 3D Content

Shapeways Announces Programmable Models

3D printing service Shapeways has released “ShapeJS”, a programming environment that can generate 3D models using Javascript programs.    In other words, if you know how to use Javascript, one of the most popular tools for creating dynamic web pages, you’ll be able to produce 3D models simply by describing them with code, including complex… Continue reading Shapeways Announces Programmable Models

Have You Joined 3D Hubs?

There are several initiatives seeking to link 3D print owners with 3D print buyers, but as time passes only a few are going to succeed. One of them is likely to be 3D Hubs, currently the leader in number of participants.    The idea is pretty straightforward: if you have an idle 3D printer, sign… Continue reading Have You Joined 3D Hubs?


Yet another 3D print making-sharing-selling site has launched, Let’sMakeStuff.    The site provides an ability for designers to sign up and submit 3D models for sale on the site, and for consumers to browse the site and select 3D models for purchase. The service also will 3D print items on request.    It’s a basic… Continue reading Let’sMakeStuff

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