Big companies face increasing pressure from lesser vendors as patents expire. How will they survive?
Is Black Friday The Day To Buy a 3D Printer?
In the United States, there’s this thing called “Black Friday”, the day when (apparently) everything is on sale. But is it a good day to buy a 3D printer?
What To Make With Metal 3D Printers?
Earlier this week we saw a 3D printed branding iron. Could this be the beginning of a new class of 3D prints?
3D Printing … On Sale Now at Walmart
Personal 3D printing has come a very long way in the past couple of years, touching the public increasingly frequently.
Easy Overmolding For Your 3D Prints
SolidSmack details a terrifically simple solution to apply overmolds to your 3D prints.
3D Printing Will Not Revolutionize the Food Industry
We’re watching a short video from MSN/CNN entitled, “3D Printing to Revolutionize the Food Industry”. We disagree.
3D Printed Robots from The Poppy Project
Robotics and often 3D printing go together and now there’s a project specifically for that.
There’s Something Curious About 3D Printer Stores
We’ve been informed of the opening of the fifth The 3D Printing Store in Houston. But is this part of a larger pattern?
Modio: Design Articulated 3D Models
Printed figurines can be amazing, but what about making them move? You can do so with Modio.
Gartner: Worldwide Shipments of 3D Printers to Reach More Than 217,000 in 2015
Worldwide shipments of 3D printers (3DPs) will reach 217,350 units in 2015, up from 108,151 in 2014, according to Gartner, Inc.’s latest forecast.
The Fabulous Dorito 3D Printer
Print Doritos in any shape!
Thoughts on HP’s Big Announcements Today
We’re still thinking through the two big HP announcements today and have some random thoughts of the implications.
The Case for Multiple 3D Tools
Isn’t there a single software tool that can do all 3D operations you need? No. Definitely not.
What is 3D Printing’s 0.5 Seconds?
In computer interface design, there are rules of thumb about response time. Are there similar rules for 3D printing?
Concerning the Weight of 3D Print Material
How much filament should you buy for your personal 3D printer? A kilo? Wait, that doesn’t work anymore.
The Lifecycle of a 3D Printing Company
The personal 3D printing space has now existed for at least five years. What stages do 3D printing companies move through as they grow?
There’s Too Many of These 3D Printing Things
Once in a while someone comes up with a new 3D printing concept. Then a great many others do the same thing.
3D Hubs Becomes Infrastructure
This is interesting: manufacturers use 3D Hubs as a 3D printing infrastructure provider.
Near-Instant Product Manufacturing via 3D Printing
WHYcase demonstrated the true power of 3D printing by creating a brand new manufactured product in only 7 days.
Personal 3D Printing Safety Concerns
You’ve bought and installed a 3D printer in your home. What should you be worried about?
Are 3D Printers Really Suitable for Homes?
A post in New Scientist is entitled, “3D printing’s future is the high street, not the home.” Is this true?
Stratasys to Replace the Mojo?
A few short years ago Stratasys introduced the “Mojo”, their lowest cost professional 3D printer. But is it about to be replaced?
3D Printing Stereotypes in Media
We’re looking at an animated video featuring a 3D printer, but not just to be entertained.
Did The Personal 3D Printing Market Suddenly Mature?
There’s been a change in how personal 3D printers are marketed; we think it could be because of market maturity.
Ultimaker Takes Over MakerBot’s Position?
In 2009 the champion of DIY 3D printing was MakerBot. In 2014 there could be a different champion.
Tom’s Reviews Popular 3D Print Services
Tom’s Guide recently reviewed four major 3D print services to gauge their pricing and service quality.
Stop Comparing 3D Printing to Mass Production!
It’s time to make it clear to everyone who asks: 3D printing isn’t mass production.
It’s October. What Will HP Announce?
Rumors continue to swirl regarding HP’s long-awaited entry to the 3D printing market.
The Blind Can See With 3D Printing
3D printing cannot restore eyesight, but it can provide tactile aids for those without sight.
Who Buys 3D Printer Kits, Anyway?
Is there still a market for 3D printer kits?
3D Printing Reawakens The Maker In You
100 years ago, people knew how to make things. They weren’t necessarily complex things, but they made them. Today, we’ve largely forgotten those skills.
A Bump on the 3D Road for Dremel?
With this week’s announcement that Dremel has launched a personal 3D printer to be marketed through major retail chains, we speculated on issues they may encounter.
iMakr’s Unique Retail Concept
While in London recently we were able to visit the iMakr store, one of the few dedicated resellers of personal 3D printer gear.
A Different Approach to 3D Printed Buildings?
We’re watching a fascinating video of a robot building a brick wall. But is this 3D printing?
The Challenges of Self-Made 3D Printer Filament
3D Hubs has been doing some experiments with their Filabot to prepare their own printer filament.
3D Printing Simplifies Manufacturing In Ways You Didn’t Realize
We found an unusual method of leveraging 3D printing technology to simplify the process of manufacturing: Through RFPs.
YouMagine Takes On a Big Challenge
The folks at YouMagine, Ultimaker’s online repository of downloadable 3D objects, have begun development of a new open source license for 3D printed items. They need your help.
The Three Laws of 3D Printing
Years ago Isaac Asimov developed the “Three Laws of Robotics” to govern the behavior of robots. Do we need something similar for 3D printing?
Afinia Releases an eBook
Most 3D printer manufacturers release, well, 3D printers. But Afinia is bucking the trend by releasing their own eBook.
3D Design By Example
Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab have developed a new twist on 3D design by creating “Fab By Example”.
To Stick or Not To Stick; That is the 3D Printing Question
Recently we’ve seen multiple solutions to help 3D printer owners operate their machines. But is this really the right answer?
3D Printer Crowdfunding Suicide?
Daniel Brown created a very detailed analysis of crowdfunded 3D printer startups on his blog, 3D Prototypes and Models.
Gartner’s Hype Cycle Positions 3D Printing
Gartner’s annual technology Hype Cycle chart has been released, and it shows 3D printing in two positions.
What’s With Remote Control 3D Printers, Anyway?
Several manufacturers have recently added various remote control features to their personal 3D printer products. Are they really useful?
It’s Time for Local 3D Printer Materials
An Irish company hopes to overcome the bane of 3D printer material purchasing: Shipping Costs.
How Much 3D Printer Filament Do You Need?
There’s a slight trend emerging in the 3D printer filament market: volume shipments.
Dark Days for Small 3D Printer Manufacturers
Recently we’ve observed several ultra-low cost 3D printer startups disappear from the landscape. It seems the market is finding the true cost of 3D printing.
3D Printing and Outsourcing Solves Innovation Dilemma
3D printing saved the day by enabling an innovative product to be developed in record time.
The Two Business Models of 3D Printing
We’re reading a post on The Motley Fool focusing on MCOR’s paper-powered 3D printer. It got us thinking about how 3D printing companies make their money.
What are the Odd Things To Look For in a Personal 3D Printer
Suppose you’re shopping for a personal 3D printer, like many folks seem to be doing these days. What features do you look for beyond the normal specs?
3D Printing UAVs Onboard Aircraft
Future 3D printers may be much more advanced than we see today, but that hasn’t stopped engineers at BAE Systems from imagining what one could do with them.
Interesting Color 3D Printing Capabilities with the ProJet 4500
We’re reading an interesting account of complex color 3D printing on the new 3D Systems ProJet 4500.
A Sports Opportunity for 3D Printing?
Some major sports teams have official products, such as an official drink or service. But why not have an official 3D printer?
Personal 3D Printing: A Billion Dollar Market?
A new report from SmarTech suggests the personal 3D printing market will soon exceed one billion US dollars.
What Does “Experimental 3D Printing” Mean, Anyway?
The phrase “experimental 3D printing” has been used by several manufacturers, but what does it really mean?
The Pros and Cons of Proprietary 3D Printing Filament
Some folks have very strong feelings regarding the use of proprietary filament by some 3D printer manufacturers. Are those feelings warranted?
The Lix 3D Pen Printer Controversy
We wrote about a new Kickstarter project last week, the Lix 3D Pen Printer. But now some believe it cannot actually work.
Is 3D Printing Technology’s Rapid Progress Hurting the Industry?
We’re wondering if the constant and rapid developments in 3D printing technology could hinder growth. But how could this be? There has never been a time in history when more 3D printing technology can be purchased at such low prices?
Is Google or Apple Developing a 3D Printer?
Rumors echo through the interwebs suggesting that Google AND Apple are developing 3D printers. But are they really?
A Recursive 3D Printer?
People have worked on the idea of self-replicating 3D printers for years now. But what would happen if that goal were achieved?
Autodesk’s Spark Causes Collateral Damage?
Last week Autodesk announced Spark, an initiative to standardize things 3D printing, and a “reference 3D printer” using those specifications. We think this could be trouble for some.
More 3D Printed Airplanes?
3D Systems announced they’ve shipped a huge number of machines to the aerospace industry. What could this mean?
Making Long Duration 3D Prints More Reliable
The most spectacular 3D prints are often those that take a significant length of time to print. But how do you ensure the print completes?
Tokyo Man Busted for 3D Printed Weapons
According to a report on NHK and BBC, Tokyo resident Yoshitomo Imura has been arrested by Japanese police.
Who are the Leading Personal 3D Printing Companies?
With the seemingly weekly arrival of new personal 3D printers and manufacturers, one has to wonder which companies are “winning”. We’ll take a stab at it.
3D Printing’s Fascination With Vases
What’s the most frequently produced item on personal 3D printers? We don’t know – and probably no one knows – but we wouldn’t be surprised if it was Vases.
Why So Few 3D Print Filament Recyclers?
Every once in a while we see a “filament recycler” product emerge. But you don’t hear much about them. Why is that?
Todd Grimm on 3D Printing’s Future
In the Additive Manufacturing User Group conference’s first keynote, industry expert Todd Grimm laid out his view of the 3D Printing landscape, highlighting many of the technologies and trends that are driving the industry.
Will the Cheap 3D Printers Succeed?
It used to be that to spend USD$500 on a 3D printer, you’d expect to receive a bag of parts and spend your time building it yourself. Not so anymore – or not?
Robocranes for 3D Printed Buildings?
We’re reading some thoughts from Eric Hunting on the Open Manufacturing list regarding future possibilities for large-scale 3D printing, specifically for housing. He’s got some very intriguing ideas.
PERFORMANCE: 3D Printed Food for the Elderly
A European project hopes to develop a way to 3D print pre-made meals for elderly folks.
uformit’s Adaptive 3D Print Service
We had a peek at format’s new technology in NYC earlier this year, but now everyone can make use of it as they’ve just launched their new 3D print site.
3D Printing: What is it Good For?
Once the initial magic of being able to print things for yourself, how do you explain the need for 3D printers to friends? We have some ideas.
Needed: 3D Printer Auto Ejection
Years ago the MakerBot Thing-O-Matic had a peculiar optional feature, the Automated Build Platform, which could automatically remove prints from the bed when complete. We need something like that today. But what was this amazing option? It was essentially a conveyor belt laid around the heated build platform. When the print was complete, it was… Continue reading Needed: 3D Printer Auto Ejection
How Many 3D Printers Do You Own?
In your home you’ll likely have one microwave, perhaps a car or two, one refrigerator, etc. But how many 3D printers do you have? We think it’s more than one.
The Brilliance of Post-3D Print Finishing
Most people who own a 3D printer are content when they pull the print out and admire it. But there’s much more that can be done.
Could The Secret of HP’s 3D Printing Venture Be Memjet?
Earlier last week HP CEO Meg Whitman revealed that HP would have some kind of announcement regarding 3D printing this June. We take a look at a possible technology they may use.
Five Questions With The Robox CEO
We managed to pose five questions to Robox’s CEO, Chris Elsworthy regarding their new personal 3D printer. And he answered.
How Does XYZ Printing Do It?
New entrant XYZ Printing offers personal 3D printers at incredibly low cost, as low as USD$499 per unit. How do they do it?
MakerBot’s Ever-So-Slight Proprietary Move
With the release of their fifth-generation Replicator personal 3D printer, we noticed a feature that may portend a future move to proprietary filament.
Free 3D Printers!
There seems to be two approaches to selling personal 3D printers these days. We’re not sure which one will prevail.
Stax: A Platform for 3D Printed Modifications
There’s lots of 3D printer projects on crowdfunding sites, but one involves 3D printing in a new way.
3D Printing Creates Napster for Fashion? Nope.
Mashable proposes that 3D printing will enable a “Napster for Fashion”. We don’t think so.
Buy a 3D Printer or Use a Service?
Sculpteo has done a detailed analysis of the costs involved in choosing whether to use a 3D print service or buy your own 3D printer. We believe their analysis misses one important factor.
Heated Build Platform Challenges
The bane of personal 3D printing is warped prints, usually solved by adding a heated build platform. But they don’t always solve the problem.
The Perils of Managing a 3D Print Fashion Show
3D printing technology is affecting everything. It even affects the way you produce a fashion show.
The Tall 3D Printing Pattern Emerges
What’s up with all the tall 3D printers that suddenly have appeared?
BigRep’s Big Implications for Industrial 3D Printing
Last week we reported on a rather huge 3D printer. This week we’re shocked by what it could mean.
Uformia’s UFormIt Could Change Everything
We got thinking about Uformia’s new Uformit service and realized something important. Something that could change everything.
A Virtual Reality Future For 3D Printing?
A fascinating animated GIF shows what might be the future for for 3D printing.
Everyone’s 3D Printing George Crowdsourcington
What do you do when you have a rather large 3D print to produce? One that might take weeks to complete? There’s a surprising answer.
The Unfortunate End of a 3D Print
An unfortunate incident occurred at the 3D Printshow last week. While browsing the incredible artistic 3D prints in the gallery, a massive shattering noise was heard.
The Latest Trends from 3D Hubs
One of the many reasons to like 3D Hubs, beyond their excellent crowdsourced network of 3D printers is their monthly statistical report. This month shows some interesting trends.
Beyond Connex3: What Would a True Color 3D Printer Be?
With the excitement from Stratasys’ recent announcement of the color Connex3 technology, we’re wondering where this is going next.
3D Printing A Complex Mechanism: Proven
Solidsmack reports on a fascinating attempt to 3D print an entire working clockwork motor in a single print operation. Did it work?