The Three Laws of 3D Printing

Years ago Isaac Asimov developed the “Three Laws of Robotics” to govern the behavior of robots. Do we need something similar for 3D printing?

Afinia Releases an eBook

Most 3D printer manufacturers release, well, 3D printers. But Afinia is bucking the trend by releasing their own eBook. 

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3D Design By Example

Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab have developed a new twist on 3D design by creating “Fab By Example”. 

A Recursive 3D Printer?

People have worked on the idea of self-replicating 3D printers for years now. But what would happen if that goal were achieved? 

3D Printing’s Fascination With Vases

What’s the most frequently produced item on personal 3D printers? We don’t know – and probably no one knows – but we wouldn’t be surprised if it was Vases. 

Todd Grimm on 3D Printing’s Future

In the Additive Manufacturing User Group conference’s first keynote, industry expert Todd Grimm laid out his view of the 3D Printing landscape, highlighting many of the technologies and trends that are driving the industry.

Will the Cheap 3D Printers Succeed?

It used to be that to spend USD$500 on a 3D printer, you’d expect to receive a bag of parts and spend your time building it yourself. Not so anymore – or  not? 

Robocranes for 3D Printed Buildings?

We’re reading some thoughts from Eric Hunting  on the Open Manufacturing list regarding future possibilities for large-scale 3D printing, specifically for housing. He’s got some very intriguing ideas. 

3D Printing: What is it Good For?

Once the initial magic of being able to print things for yourself, how do you explain the need for 3D printers to friends? We have some ideas.

Needed: 3D Printer Auto Ejection

Years ago the MakerBot Thing-O-Matic had a peculiar optional feature, the Automated Build Platform, which could automatically remove prints from the bed when complete. We need something like that today.  But what was this amazing option? It was essentially a conveyor belt laid around the heated build platform. When the print was complete, it was… Continue reading Needed: 3D Printer Auto Ejection

How Many 3D Printers Do You Own?

In your home you’ll likely have one microwave, perhaps a car or two, one refrigerator, etc. But how many 3D printers do you have? We think it’s more than one.

Free 3D Printers!

There seems to be two approaches to selling personal 3D printers these days. We’re not sure which one will prevail. 

Buy a 3D Printer or Use a Service?

Sculpteo has done a detailed analysis of the costs involved in choosing whether to use a 3D print service or buy your own 3D printer. We believe their analysis misses one important factor. 

Heated Build Platform Challenges

The bane of personal 3D printing is warped prints, usually solved by adding a heated build platform. But they don’t always solve the problem. 

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The Unfortunate End of a 3D Print

An unfortunate incident occurred at the 3D Printshow last week. While browsing the incredible artistic 3D prints in the gallery, a massive shattering noise was heard. 

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The Latest Trends from 3D Hubs

One of the many reasons to like 3D Hubs, beyond their excellent crowdsourced network of 3D printers is their monthly statistical report. This month shows some interesting trends.