With the development of a continuous build plate system by Mobium Solutions, we wondered if there are other concepts for this capability.
Is It Filament Weight or Length?
There are several ways to measure the amount of material required for a 3D print, but however it’s done, it should be practical.
When Should You Buy A 3D Printer?
The question of choosing a 3D printer has become very complex given all the options available, and now another factor emerges: When should you purchase one?
Yes, Hollow 3D Prints Are Often A Good Idea
A common misunderstanding by newbie 3D print folks is that objects are printed completely solid. In fact, we believe that many prints should be hollow!
Why Are 3D Print Service Costs So Different?
You need to use a 3D print service. You get quotes from several firms. All the quotes are wildly different! Why is this?
Formlabs Explains Their Kickstarter Success
When Formlabs first appeared on the 3D printing scene some three years ago, they made history by raising an unprecedented USD$3M. How did they do it?
How To Cross The Chasm With Great Customer Service
You can order almost anything you want online, thanks to social media and e-commerce.
3D Printing and the Future of Manufacturing
3D printing has changed production processes for the better and has transformed what was originally a prototyping tool into one that engineering firms now utilize to make final products, too.
Engineers Thoughts on the Impact of 3D Printing in Traditional Manufacturing
At the conclusion of the recent opening of their facility to the media, Joe Allison, CEO of Stratasys Direct Manufacturing introduced SMS Research Advisors.
MakePrintable’s GCODE Feature Could Cause Issues For Some
Another MakePrintable story? Yes, because they’ve developed a feature that could shake things up in the intellectual property space.
3D Systems May Be Readying A New Color 3D Printer
If you want high-quality full-color RGB continuous color 3D prints, one of the premiere options is 3D Systems’ ProJet series. But now an unusual message may indicate something may be changing.
More On Gartner’s 3D Printing Predictions
Gartner 3D printing analyst Pete Basiliere pointed us at their company’s latest detailed report on 3D printing and it shows some interesting predictions.
Should You Purchase a 3D Printer From A Reseller?
There are multiple ways to purchase a 3D printer these days, and often at low cost. One way is to use a reseller, particularly for unusual makes and models.
A 2D Reseller in a 3D World
At a recent training session at the MakerBot headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, I happen to sit next to Vincent Colaianni, the Director of Sales Development at TGI Office Automation, a leading office technology provider that has been in business over 50 years.
China Devalues Yuan: Cheaper 3D Printers On The Way?
China shocked the world today by suddenly devaluing their currency. What does this mean for those purchasing 3D printers?
Something Interesting Is Going Down At MakerBot
We’ve noticed a couple of things happening at MakerBot this past week that caught our attention: it could be a signal that new equipment is coming.
WonderLuk’s Popup Experiment Illustrates 3D Print Venture Challenges
WonderLuk plans to exhibit their innovative 3D printed jewelry at a London popup store this week, but we think this demonstrates the challenges facing many 3D print-using startups.
A Barrier To 3D Printing: It’s The Design, Not The Making
As the technology of 3D printing increases in capability and reliability, where does one’s workload land? We think it’s in the design.
Don’t Forget To Count The Eight Other Costs Of 3D Printing
When shopping for a 3D printer, the price of the unit is of prime importance. But really, that isn’t the whole story on cost.
A Profile of Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Technology
Hybrid additive manufacturing (AM) has been gaining a lot of traction over the past four-to-five years, but it’s still a technology with a lot of unknowns.
Bitoni Says 3D Printing Is Stagnant?
World-famous 3D designer Francis Bitoni declared in an interview with Dezeen that he believes the current state of 3D printing is stagnant. Is this true?
Senvol Explains Where to Locate Your 3D Printer Farm
Annie Wang and Zach Simkin of Senvol presented some interesting logic regarding how companies should consider organizing their 3D printing infrastructure for optimum efficiency.
Do We Need Ultra-Large 3D Printer Filament Spools?
At this time, most sellers offer 3D printer plastic filament in spools weighing 500g to 1kg. But perhaps these sizes are too small.
Are You Overflowing With 3D Models?
To use a 3D printer, you must have 3D models. But wait, exactly how many do you have? Probably far too many to keep track of.
A Curious Thing About 3.00 vs 1.75mm 3D Printer Filament
In the beginning it was 3.0mm filament for 3D printers, but then things switched to 1.75mm filament. Was this a good idea?
EOS Partners With GF Machining Creating Interesting Possibilities
Industrial 3D printer manufacturer EOS has partnered with GF Machining Solutions, and we think the results could be quite interesting.
3D Is Everywhere In This World!
Years ago, very few people knew much about the world of 3D software, or even the notion of 3D as a concept. That’s clearly changing.
MakerBot’s New Factory: What Does This Mean?
MakerBot announced the opening of a “new and larger” factory in Brooklyn, NY, where they will produce 3D printers. What does this mean?
Resellers Won’t Make Any Money With 3D Printers?
For the majority of the thousands of IT office product dealers and resellers in the US, 3D printing is a new technology.
What’s the Future of High-Speed 3D Printing – The Non-Metallic Edition
A few years back it looked as though 3D printing was set to take off. For those who were new to the tech the possibilities seemed endless. And then they didn’t.
Design of the Week: Cinder Blocks
This week’s selection goes to Reddit contributor rip1980 for “Cinder Blocks”.
We Live In That 3D Printed Future
A routine press release from Ultimaker with some new product videos got us thinking hard about what’s been happening over the past few years.
We Found Some Very Inexpensive 3D Printers
While browsing 3D printer online retailers, we ran into one that seemed to offer some very low cost machines.
The Explosion of 3D Print Connector and Model Services
It’s another week and there’s another batch of new online connector services for 3D models.
The Difference Between 3D Fabrication and 3D Construction
With several larger 3D printing experiments taking place, it’s now becoming clear there are two distinct styles of 3D printing: Fabrication and Construction.
Could Apple Make the Best 3D Scanner?
Rumors of an improved iPhone camera could lead to a widespread ability for 3D scanning.
Forbes Proposes 3D Printing Is About To Change The World Forever
A thought provoking article on Forbes by Rick Smith discusses reasons why he believes 3D printing could trigger significant changes in manufacturing and beyond.
Four Hotly Contested 3D Printing Markets
The industry of 3D printing is rapidly growing, and as you’d expect there are a number of different business angles at play. We describe four of them today.
An Easy Way to Vapor-Smooth PLA 3D Prints?
For years hobbyists have been smoothing their ABS plastic 3D prints with acetone vapor, but PLA has had no solution. A video shows a potentially useful method using PVC pipe cleaner.
The Two Types of 3D Printing Companies: Open and Closed
It seems there are two types of 3D printing companies these days: those that support open source principles and those that operate in the world of patents.
Will 3D Printed Fashion Ever Be Practical?
Every once in a while, we see spectacular 3D printed fashions displayed on a runway by supermodels. But are these pieces practical?
Do You Need a Smoke Alarm for your 3D Printer?
There’s another accessory you might consider for your 3D printer: a smoke alarm.
The Arithmetic of 3D Printed Sculpture Intellectual Property Rights
One of the things that bugs us a lot is the way many museums consider the intellectual property of their works.
Can 3D Printing Combat Climate Change?
A piece in The Bulletin proposes that 3D printing could be used to help stop climate change. But is this really possible?
Time For a Breakthrough in 3D Metal Printing?
3D metal printing is an expensive proposition, and it may be that this expense is holding back adoption by industry. Is there anything that can be done?
3D Printing By The Gram?
A new crowdfunding campaign is attempting what they believe to be a new business model: printing by the gram. We’re not so sure it’s new.
Is There A Need For 3D Photo Booths?
We’ve seen several “3D Photo Booths” at recent trade shows. Are these a thing?
Man 3D Prints His Own Brain Tumor To Demonstrate Possibilities
Steven Keating can say something few others can say: he’s 3D printed a model of his own brain tumor.
How Many 3D Printers Are There, Really?
This is a question that should be of utmost importance to all in the 3D printing world: how many 3D printers exist?
Verbatim Poses a Huge Challenge for 3D Printer Filament Manufacturers
If you’re a vendor of 3D printer filament, you’d better watch out for Verbatim.
What Does “HD” Color 3D Printing Really Mean?
MCOR recently announced something they call “HD” color 3D printing. But what kinds of 3D print color exist?
Could 3D Printing Use a K-Cup Strategy?
Several 3D printer manufacturers are experimenting with different business models, but is there a way to emulate the hot beverage companies?
The Butter Boss’s 3D Print Files
While the vast majority of new manufactured products make use of 3D designs, one project has taken an unusual step with theirs.
Futurist Predicts the Path of 3D Printing
Futurist Dr. Ray Kurzweil was asked by Huffington Post for his predictions of the future. He had much to say about 3D printing.
Snowden Bust Busted, But Revived with 3D Printing
A bust of controversial whistleblower Edward Snowden has migrated to a digital format, suitable for 3D printing.
MakerBot Closes Stores; Is 3D Print Retail Dead?
With the sudden closure of MakerBot’s retail stores, one might ask the question, “Is 3D Print Retail Dead?” We think not.
Is Metal 3D Printer Filament Dangerous?
We’re wondering whether using metal-infused filaments in personal 3D printers is actually a safe thing to do.
What’s Happening At MakerBot?
A meteoric rise from nothing, corporate acquisition, management changes, layoffs and a new CEO. An interview with the new chief by Medium tells us about MakerBot’s plans.
An Interview with Robox’s Chris Elsworthy
Robox makes personal 3D printers, but they’re also championing ways to make the experience plug and play. We spoke with CEO Chris Elsworthy to find out more.
There’s Something New Every Week at 52shapes
A unique 3D design and print delivery process has been created by the folks at 52shapes.
Do MakerBot’s Layoffs Spell Doom for 3D Printing?
MakerBot recently let go a large number of staff. Does this mean the 3D printing industry is in trouble? We think not.
Why Good Quality Filament Matters
Sometimes it’s tempting to buy the cheapest possible 3D printer filament, but that’s not always the best idea.
Is Carbon3D’s Printing Process Limited?
You likely saw the big announcement from Carbon3D of their revolutionary and speedy 3D printing process, but are there limitations to their approach? We think there could be.
What To Do With Failed 3D Prints?
If you own a 3D printer, you probably have a large pile of failed prints. Why do you keep them? What should you do with them?
The 3D Printer Distribution Battle Heats Up
Has the battle between the key personal 3D printer manufacturers shifted from the lab to the storefront? We think it may have.
Australia to Regulate 3D Printed Weapons?
The Australian Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee has recommended new legislation specifically to regulate 3D printed firearms. Should they do this?
Success and Challenges for Simplify3D
Simplify3D is an independently-produced 3D printer management software utility that has been quite successful. But it may have challenges, too.
A Warning For Experimental Filament Users
There’s never been more varied types of plastic filament available for use by 3D printer operators, but could there be a problem?
3D Filament Shop Scans a Baby and Demonstrates a Phenomenon
Plastic filament provider 3D Filament Shop has been scanning things. Including a baby.
The 3D Printing Reseller Advantage
There are many personal 3D printers available today and it can be quite difficult to choose. We found a way to help make a choice.
Retro Items Revived With 3D Printing
A report by Stuart Fraser at Makerflux describes how someone revived the idea of a classic jukebox with 3D printing.
Is the Cost of Personal 3D Printers Too High?
After perusing the 3D print inventions in Indiegogo recently we came to a conclusion: many of the campaigns are not actually inventions.
What’s the Ante to Play the Filament Game?
For some years now, to market 3D printer filament you merely had to provide good quality filament. That seems to be changing.
Bigger Nozzle Equals Faster Printing
Some 3D prints require a long time to complete. In general, the rule of thumb is: The larger the print, the longer the print. But that doesn’t mean you can’t speed up the process.
3D Printing Idea: Winter Molds
A couple of folks have recently developed 3D models for snowmen, but we think this idea could go much farther.
Will 3D Printed Homes Be Viable?
An article in the Guardian examines Winsun’s recent 3D printed housing project and we’re wondering how feasible this may really be.
Flexible Hybrid Slicing?
Some folks in the Netherlands have developed a new system that performs “Flexible Hybrid Slicing”.
Attempt to 3D Print Zola’s Train Reveals a Truth of 3D Design
Yale assistant professor of French Morgane Cadieu transformed a literary description of a train into a real 3D print. But she’s demonstrated a barrier to 3D printing by doing so.
Counterfeiting and 3D Printing: Not Likely
A piece in WIRED suggests society had better fear future rampant copying of objects through the use of 3D printing. We disagree. Strongly.
Hiding 3D Print Quality Issues
Does the quality of 3D printers vary among machines? Yes. Is it possible to hide flaws? Also, yes.
Not a 3D Modeler? Hire One!
If you’re unable to obtain the 3D model you require for a print, just design it yourself. But what if you can’t?
The Seven Worst 3D Printing Experience
Owning a personal 3D printer can be a challenging experience. But how bad can it be?
YouMagine Selects Projects to Change The World of 3D Printing
Remember that breathtaking challenge from YouMagine? Yes, they’ve chosen the winners.
The Effects of MakerBot’s Innovation Center
MakerBot’s Innovation Center is a fascinating product that carries all sorts of implications for the industry.
We Are Not All Makers
An article in The Atlantic proposes that maker culture focuses too much on “creating” and not enough on other aspects.
The Economics of MakerBot’s Innovation Center
We noticed a peculiar economic scenario that arises from MakerBot’s Innovation Center.
Why Engineers Like Desktop 3D Printers
A report from Leapfrog 3D Printers examines the benefits seen by engineers using personal 3D printers.
3D Printing Helps Solve Light Pollution
3D printing technologies are assisting new efforts to curb light pollution worldwide.
Is This Really 2D Printing?
A mass-produced 3D printed chocolate operation is incredible, but is it really 3D printing?
RepRap Central’s Unusual Challenge
RepRap Central is launching a difficult challenge to the 3D printer world.
3D Printed Homes Offer Interesting Possibilities
After this week’s revelation of 3D printed buildings in China, we had some thoughts of what this could mean for homeowners.
An Explosion of Mini 3D Printers
What did we see a lot of at the 2015 CES? Mini 3D printers, that’s what we saw.
Everyone Needs an Ancestro3D
Mexico-based Ideaz 3D is attempting to develop a very unique 3D print application, Ancestro3D.
The Logic Behind The botObjects Acquisition
Last week 3D Systems announced they’d acquired botObjects, but many could not understand why 3D Systems would do so. We found out why.
Six Thoughts on 3D Printing at CES 2015
We’ve finished our tiring tour of the annual consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, focusing on the 3D print gear, of course.