About That Hype Cycle

Gartner has once again re-issued their 3D Printing Hype Cycle and it’s fascinating to see how things have progressed. 

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7 Jobs on the Rise in 3D Printing

Though 3D printing was slow to catch on when equipment was expensive and resources were hard to come by, we’re living in a different world now. 

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3D Printing Pens Are Not 3D Printers

Without fail, each month there is are busy announcements of the latest “3D printing pen”. That’s fine, except for one thing. 

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MakerBot’s Market Strategy Now Seems Much More Certain

With yesterday’s announcement of new MakerBot tools for educators, it is now very clear what the original desktop 3D printer company is pursuing.  Being in existence since 2009 means the company has seen literally the entire scope and evolution of desktop 3D printing, from its wild and promising beginnings, to the absurd heights of media… Continue reading MakerBot’s Market Strategy Now Seems Much More Certain

The Role of Hybrid Manufacturing in 3D Printing

Between the worlds of CNC machining and additive manufacturing (AM), there lies a bridge technology referred to as hybrid manufacturing.  Hybrid systems combine both production techniques to join the benefits of subtractive and additive processes—the precision of the former with the freedom of the latter. One of the first companies to get hybrid manufacturing into… Continue reading The Role of Hybrid Manufacturing in 3D Printing

The Biggest Crime in 3D Printing

There’s always speculation about how crime can take place by leveraging technical aspects of 3D printing, but I believe the most crimes are of a more simple nature. 

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