Calculator Test

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3D Print Job Cost Calculator

Before the Job

Cost for creating or acquiring the 3D model(s) for this job.

Information from your Slicer

Total weight of the print job, including support material.

Estimated duration of the print job.

Materials Cost

Average price per kg of material used.

About Your 3D Printer

Total acquisition cost of the 3D printer, incl. shipping and taxes.

Power consumption of the 3D printer in watts.

Your cost of electricity per kWh.

Estimated years before 3D printer retirement or breakdown.

Average daily usage of the printer over its lifetime.

Anticipated repair costs as a percentage of the purchase price.

Labor Cost

Your hourly rate for operating the machine.

Time spent setting up the print job in slicing software.

Time spent starting and monitoring the print job.

Time spent post-processing all parts from a single job.

Other Costs

Estimated percentage of failed print jobs.

Cost of non-printable components for this job.

Desired profit markup percentage.

Number of identical print jobs to be run.


Total Customer Price: