3D Printing Blog


ImpresiĆ³n 3D e InnovaciĆ³n con PropĆ³sito en 2021

ImpresiĆ³n 3D e InnovaciĆ³n con PropĆ³sito en 2021

Charles Goulding y Andressa Bonafe consideran un nuevo aƱo de soluciones de construcciĆ³n avanzadas impulsadas por la fabricaciĆ³n

3D Printing And Purposeful Innovation In 2021

3D Printing And Purposeful Innovation In 2021

Charles Goulding and Andressa Bonafe consider a new year of advanced manufacturing-driven construction solutions.

Japanese Designer 3D Prints Ultra-Real Masks That Resemble Real Faces!

Japanese Designer 3D Prints Ultra-Real Masks That Resemble Real Faces!

People have been getting creative with fun or more effective face masks these days, but imagine quite literally wearing someone elseā€™s face as a mask.

Who’s 3D Printing At CES 2021?

Who’s 3D Printing At CES 2021?

CES 2021 is coming up next week, and I wondered if any 3D printing companies are still exhibiting at that event.

The UK’s Design For AM Network

The UK’s Design For AM Network

Thereā€™s a meeting place for those working on methods for additive manufacturing design in the UK: the Design for AM Network.

Canyon: Putting The Pedal To The Metal With Help From 3D Printing

Canyon: Putting The Pedal To The Metal With Help From 3D Printing

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi take a ride with 3D printing for advanced bicycles.

Future Trends In Healthcare And 3D Printing

Future Trends In Healthcare And 3D Printing

The next time you or someone you love needs care, you may well find your doctor firing up a 3D printer to provide it.

Nano Dimension To Acquire Others?

Nano Dimension To Acquire Others?

Nano Dimensionā€™s recent financial moves suggest they may be contemplating acquisitions in the near future.

Is It Time To Join Club 3D?

Is It Time To Join Club 3D?

Itā€™s a new year and perhaps itā€™s time to put your 3D printing goals into action.

Origin, A Stratasys Company

Origin, A Stratasys Company

As anticipated, today itā€™s official: Origin is a Stratasys company following the close of the latest major 3D printing acquisition.

The 3Ds For 2021 Investing

The 3Ds For 2021 Investing

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi consider three important ā€œDā€ trends for investing this new year as they impact 3D printing.

Book of the Week: Feature-Driven Method for Structural Optimization

Book of the Week: Feature-Driven Method for Structural Optimization

This weekā€™s selection is ā€œFeature-Driven Method for Structural Optimizationā€ by Weihong Zhang and Ying Zhou.

Another SLS And MJF Finishing Option: AMuCoat

Another SLS And MJF Finishing Option: AMuCoat

SLS and MJF 3D printed parts have new options for finish and color.

The Last Hype Hump For 3D Printing: TV & Movies

The Last Hype Hump For 3D Printing: TV & Movies

Itā€™s 2021 and additive manufacturing has arrived as a realizable technology suite — but someone should tell film studios that.

Magnetocuring Technology Could Point To A New Form Of 3D Printing

Magnetocuring Technology Could Point To A New Form Of 3D Printing

Researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have developed a new type of adhesive that could lead to a different form of 3D printing.

Traps For The Unwary In Launching Additive Manufacturing Globally

Traps For The Unwary In Launching Additive Manufacturing Globally

Charles R. Goulding invites expert attorney Bob Ward to examine industrial 3D printing impacts from trade laws.

Design of the Week: Meth Lab RV

Design of the Week: Meth Lab RV

This weekā€™s selection is the Meth Lab RV by Reddit contributor wangthangthursday.

Demolished Brutalist Building Saved Through Photogrammetry

Demolished Brutalist Building Saved Through Photogrammetry

A citizen 3D scanner has captured and 3D printed a now-demolished building.

Delayed Elective Surgery, Medical Devices And 3D Printing

Delayed Elective Surgery, Medical Devices And 3D Printing

Charles R. Goulding, Adam Friedman and Preeti Sulibhavi take a look at how 3D printing plays into near-term surgical delays.

Speculations On 3D Printing In 2030

Speculations On 3D Printing In 2030

Itā€™s the start of a new year, and time for predictions. But this time Iā€™m going for broke and predicting not what might happen in 2021, but instead in 2030!

Wikifactory Secures $4.5M to Democratize Innovation

Wikifactory Secures $4.5M to Democratize Innovation

The era of democratizing our labor and resources is well upon us.

Fabbaloo’s Annual Survey Still Going Strong

Fabbaloo’s Annual Survey Still Going Strong

Itā€™s year end and our annual survey is still open for your feedback.

ā€œMy Cellā€ Grown Not Built Footwear Concept

Question of the Week: Photogrammetry Services

Question of the Week: Photogrammetry Services

This weekā€™s question is about photogrammetry services.

ROBOZE CEO: 3D Printing From 2020 Pandemic Reaction To 2021 US Move

ROBOZE CEO: 3D Printing From 2020 Pandemic Reaction To 2021 US Move

Alessio Lorusso, Founder and CEO of Italy-based ROBOZE, shares a look at 2020 and a look ahead to 3D printing strategies for 2021.

Our Top Ten 3D Printing Stories of 2020

Our Top Ten 3D Printing Stories of 2020

Weā€™ve cranked up the analytics engine to see which Fabbaloo 3D printing stories were most read in 2020.

Top 3D Printing Developments Of 2020

Top 3D Printing Developments Of 2020

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi consider some of the highlights of 3D printing over the last year.

Can Apple’s LIDAR System Be Used For 3D Scanning?

Can Apple’s LIDAR System Be Used For 3D Scanning?

With the release of new hardware from Apple, it seems millions will have a LIDAR 3D scanner in their pockets or purses, but can it really be used for 3D scanning?

The Real Story In 3D Printing Safety Is Materials Science

The Real Story In 3D Printing Safety Is Materials Science

What really makes a difference for safety in 3D printing is the materials science, says the CEO of RIZE.

RIZE CEO Focuses In On 3D Printing Realities For 2021

RIZE CEO Focuses In On 3D Printing Realities For 2021

RIZEā€™s CEO offers some insights into 3D printing safety and a look ahead for 2021.

Why Some 3D Print Research Never Makes It To A Product

Why Some 3D Print Research Never Makes It To A Product

Very often youā€™ll see amazing research into new forms of 3D printing appear on our pages, but you might wonder why you canā€™t ever buy a product with that technology.

3D Printing And The Business Solution Selling Model

3D Printing And The Business Solution Selling Model

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi consider the need for 3D printing companies to truly listen to their customers.

Book of the Week: The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics

Book of the Week: The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics

This weekā€™s selection is ā€œThe Complete Guide to Blender Graphics: Computer Modeling & Animationā€ by John M. Blain.

New Volumetric 3D Printing Patent Granted

New Volumetric 3D Printing Patent Granted

The developments in volumetric 3D printing continue with a new patent being recently granted by the USPTO.

Five Terrible Ways To Choose A 3D Printer

Five Terrible Ways To Choose A 3D Printer

Tens of thousands of 3D printers are bought each month, but is there a wrong way to do so?

Continuous Carbon Fiber 3D Printing Causes Growth At 9T Labs

Nucor Steelā€™s 2020 3D Printing Program

Nucor Steelā€™s 2020 3D Printing Program

Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi examine 3D printing initiatives in a major steel firm that showed great promise throughout 2020.

Design of the Week: RC SpaceX Starship Belly Flop

Design of the Week: RC SpaceX Starship Belly Flop

This weekā€™s selection is the Radio Controlled SpaceX Starship Belly Flop by Nicholas Rehm.

Doctors On 3D Printing

Doctors On 3D Printing

3D printing has done some pretty great things for the medical industry, but what do doctors think of it? Doctorsā€™ Opinions Of 3D Printing In Medicine First off, how is 3D…

3D Printing MicroCapsules For Liquid Application

3D Printing MicroCapsules For Liquid Application

New research has developed a method of including microscopic capsules of liquid within 3D prints.

Reminder: Our 2020 Reader Survey Is Still Running

Reminder: Our 2020 Reader Survey Is Still Running

Weā€™d love to hear from you: what do you want to hear about in 3D printing?

PTC to Acquire Arena Solutions

PTC to Acquire Arena Solutions

PTC has taken another step into the software-as-a-service (SaaS) world with the acquisition of Arena Solutions, a provider of cloud-based product lifecycle management (PLM) and quality management system (QMS) platforms.

xolo Announces First Volumetric 3D Printer

xolo Announces First Volumetric 3D Printer

Simultaneous with the release of a revealing research paper on Xolography, xolo has released details on their first volumetric 3D printer.

Uppgradera: An Upgraded, 3D Printed IKEA Experience

Uppgradera: An Upgraded, 3D Printed IKEA Experience

Budapest-based designer Adam Miklosi has decided to ā€œupgradeā€ existing IKEA products with his open-source collection of 3D printed accessories.

Zimmer Biomet Acquires A&E Medical: Implications On 3D Printing Medical Technology

Zimmer Biomet Acquires A&E Medical: Implications On 3D Printing Medical Technology

Charles R. Goulding and Ryan Donley take a look at the 3D printing impacts to come from a new medical acquisition.

Are The New African 3D Printed Buildings The First Of Many?

Are The New African 3D Printed Buildings The First Of Many?

A joint venture in Africa is 3D printing buildings, and it appears to be a service designed for expansion.

Demystifying AMF: 7 Reasons To Start Using The ISO Standard Additive Manufacturing Format For Your AM Applications

Demystifying AMF: 7 Reasons To Start Using The ISO Standard Additive Manufacturing Format For Your AM Applications

While many people have heard of AMF, very few have a good understanding of the many useful features this format provides.

xolo Reveals Some Secrets of Volumetric 3D Printing In New Research Paper

xolo Reveals Some Secrets of Volumetric 3D Printing In New Research Paper

New information about secretive volumetric 3D printing startup xolo is revealed in a newly-released research paper.

3D Printing For Mass Production On The Horizon

3D Printing For Mass Production On The Horizon

Charles Goulding Jr. takes a look at the fast-approaching mass production future for additive manufacturing.

On The Importance Of Female Role Models

On The Importance Of Female Role Models

ā€œYou canā€™t be what you canā€™t see.ā€