Even though we’ve barely begun 2018, it’s time to get psyched for 2019.
Attendees of last week’s SOLIDWORKS World 2018 got a preview of some of the features to come in SOLIDWORKS 2019, and many of these features caused the Los Angeles crowd to break out in spontaneous applause.
But before we peek at eight of the best features of the new release, keep in mind that the 2019 preview was just that: a preview. Dassault Systèmes (the owner of SOLIDWORKS) is not guaranteeing all these features will work exactly as shown, or even that they will make it into the final release (expected this Fall). Between now and then, it will be up to the developers to work out all of the kinks and the beta users to make sure they have done so.
3D Texturize Body
This feature promises to be a huge boon in showing products as they appear in real life, such as a grip on a handle. It creates an offset mesh body from an existing solid, with controls to refine the size and texture.
Topology Study and Mesh Slicing
The upcoming edition of the software will do a shape optimization after you input stress, factor of safety, and frequency constraints. You can also use the new mesh slicing feature to create sketches from the resulting mesh body and maintain references.
Group Mates by Status
Your list of mates will be a little easier to manage in the next version of the software, as you can now group mates by their status. You’ll be able to group errors as well as suppressed, inactive, solved, and over-defined mates together.
Partial Chamfer/Fillet
You’ll enjoy that chamfers and fillets can be partially applied to an edge. How often have you needed to provide clearance to prevent an interference in just one area? You’ll be able to adjust the distance, percentage, reference, and drag handle offsets.
Read more at ENGINEERING.com