ORNL Reveals the Unique Capabilities of 3-D Printing

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have demonstrated an additive manufacturing method to control the structure and properties of metal components with precision unmatched by conventional manufacturing processes.

HP Sets Announcement Date

Well! HP has issued invitations to media for a special event on October 29th. What could it be about? 

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The Solus 3D Printer

We’re looking at another resin-based personal 3D printer, the Solus, by Taiwan-based Reify. It’s a little bit different from the competition. 

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Fixing 3D Models?

Most 3D models for 3D printing still use the now-aging STL format. That can cause problems. 

The Strooder Filament Maker

OmniDynamics is a Bristol (UK) based company that launched a Kickstarter campaign this past June to develop a compact, accessible and robust filament extruder. 

The LumiPocket 3D Printer

Lumi Industries has launched a new and improved version of their resin-based personal 3D printer, the LumiPocket. 

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The Materia 3D Printer

Embedded computer board manufacturer Arduino announced a partnership with Sharebot to produce the Materia 101, a personal 3D printer. 

The UP BOX Desktop 3D Printer

There’s been a rather exciting announcement from PP3DP: they’ve developed a new personal 3D printer, the UP BOX.

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3D Printing Jobs Explode

A report on Forbes analyzes the state of job openings related to 3D printing and finds there’s been a massive increase.

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