AM Provides an Answer for ESD-Safe Aerospace Parts

Outer space is an isolated place. Whether you’re an astronaut on an EVA, a satellite in orbit or a deep space probe traversing the solar system, one thing’s for sure, you’re completely cut off from Earth, its resources and the engineers that can solve any unexpected problems that may arise.

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Loose Spools Of Filament: Just Don’t

Recently we attempted to use a loose spool of filament in the lab, but quickly found major problems and suggest vendors adjust their filament packaging methods. 

WI3DP: Elizabeth Rogers

I believe Elizabeth Rogers is one of those few people who truly follow their dreams of changing the world. Elizabeth is the founder of Kuunda 3D, an organization that aims to kickstart and support the 3D printing ecosystem in Tanzania and other developing countries through education and the distribution of products & services. 

3D Printer Carves Out Niche for Big Parts

At first glance, 3D printing is a broad, horizontal technology. But each industry will have its unique needs for 3D printing. A 3D printing manufacturer can turn a specialized technique into a large niche market.

Metal 3D Printer Monitors Its Own Builds

EOS was on hand at Formnext in Frankfurt, Germany, to emphasize its expertise in industrial 3D printing and its ability to make larger, faster, smaller and higher-quality 3D-printed parts.