Farsoon’s UaDataPusher Brings Smart Manufacturing Connectivity to EU 3D Printing

By on March 14th, 2025 in news, printer

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OPC/UA protocol diagram [Source: Farsoon]

Farsoon announced a strategic software tool specifically for EU operators.

The company reworked their UaDataPusher software component to use the OPC/UA communication protocol.

What’s that all about? It’s a protocol developed by the OPC Foundation to enable proper communications between nodes in a smart factory. The “UA” stands for “Unified Architecture”. The protocol enables devices of different types to interconnect and provides a secure data flow.

Farsoon explains:

“Leveraging the OPC/UA communication protocol, Farsoon Technologies has officially launched UaDataPusher to the global market, an advanced communication software developed in-house. UaDataPusher helps businesses across industries and scales efficiently collect, analyze, and centralize vast amounts of serial production data from manufacturing environments. By facilitating seamless data exchange in 3D printing, it enables manufacturers to extract valuable insights, enhance production efficiency, and implement smart manufacturing solutions.”

The protocol allows factories to now monitor “over 20 key operational parameters”, meaning that Farsoon equipment could soon appear on factory dashboards.

Farsoon’s manufacturing execution system (MES) also integrates into the protocol, meaning that job control is also possible.

This is a very strategic step for Farsoon because it means that their equipment could seamlessly drop into smart factories using the OPC/UA protocol.

That removes some friction for equipment purchasers, who would otherwise have to contend with a machine that’s “out of bounds” in terms of their integrated factory system. That makes it harder to monitor and operate, but now that friction should disappear.

We should expect more sales of industrial 3D printers by Farsoon in the EU.

Via Farsoon

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!