This week’s selection is “Perfecting Your Prints: Mastering Post-Processing and Finishing Techniques for Exceptional 3D Prints” by Barrett Williams.
3D prints are rarely perfect, and that’s all due to the nature of the 3D printing process that produced them. Each process inflicts some type of pattern onto the final output.
The most commonly seen effect is the visible layer lines that blight any FFF 3D prints. There’s no way to get around them: they always appear.
However, it’s entirely possible to fix the surface quality issues after the fact. That’s done through a variety of post processing steps using equipment, materials and procedures that can take some skill to learn.
This book focuses on that aspect of 3D printing: improving the quality of prints after the fact. It begins with a definition of exactly what is meant by “quality”, and provides some means to measure it.
The eBook provides a “primer” for performing basic finishing on prints made with the most commonly used 3D print materials: PLA, ABS, and PETG. It reviews the equipment and materials one should use to do so.
There’s also a section on troubleshooting, which is always a risk when handling delicate 3D prints. The book explains different techniques for repairing prints that might be damaged while post processing.
Polishing, smoothing and advanced techniques are also discussed. The book explores the several ways to apply coatings to remake the surface and overwhelm layer lines.
Note: this book lists ChatGPT as an author. I don’t believe the book was entirely produced with AI, but rather it was used as a writing aid. Nevertheless, this is the only book I’ve yet seen that focuses directly on the processes of perfecting 3D prints in such detail.
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