Authentise Announces “Digital Design Warehouse”

By on October 18th, 2022 in news, Service

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Digital Design Warehouse [Source: Authentise]

Authentise announced a major new feature for their AM management platform: the Digital Design Warehouse.

Authentise has been gradually building a very comprehensive management platform for additive manufacturing workflow, from design to printing and more. Their online service is easily accessible from anywhere, and is focused on collaboration. We’ve written many stories on Authentise’s progress since 2014.

The company has been quite aggressive in their growth strategy. For example, this year they acquired Elements, and also integrated with Solukon equipment.

But it now appears they’ve been quite busy behind the scenes building a new application for the platform: The Digital Design Warehouse.

From the service’s description, it appears that the “DDW” allows users to upload, store, share and manage 3D documents at any stage of the lifecycle. All of this is done with strict attention to access permissions, enabling proper use within and across companies.

Digital Design Warehouse administration [Source: Authentise]

Authentise explains:

“The Digital Design Warehouse will help organizations create more cohesive additive manufacturing initiatives by bringing insights from disparate silos into full view across all teams. The platform allows everyone their own personal library by uploading any 2D and 3D file type with fully configurable additional parameters.”


“Sharing is at the heart of the new platform. Access is tightly controlled with granular permissions, enabling you to share projects with internal and external stakeholders, such as suppliers or customers. The platform provides a space for everybody to engage in conversations, edit (where permitted) and view or access designs.”

Two important integrations [Source: Authentise]

The uploaded documents are stored in the cloud and can make use of various integrations already provided on the Authentise platform. Two integrations of interest are Zverse and Castor.

Zverse is a service that enables easy transformation from a 2D design to a fully 3D printable model. Castor is an inspection service that reviews 3D models to determine their printability and even provide recommendations on whether it’s worthwhile to do so financially.

The DDW should enable Authentise clients to implement very interesting new forms of workflow for their AM operations. One of them is spare parts, or “digital inventory” as it is sometimes called. Authentise explains how this could work:

“A particular use case for the Digital Design Warehouse is spare parts. OEMs are able to use the platform to first manage the design and engineering process, bringing multiple design, R&D and testing stakeholders together. Once complete, the design can be shared securely with potential clients via a fully custom branded catalogue. The inclusion of an “Order Now” button allows for the design to be sent directly to a production center of choice.”

Please see our piece introducing Digital Inventory from a few years ago if you’re not familiar with the concept.

I have a suspicion Authentise clients will invent even more ways to leverage this new platform.

Via Authentise

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!

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