Are These Really The Best 3D Printers Money Can Buy?

By on December 20th, 2015 in Ideas


A post on The Motley Fool lists what they believe to be the “6 best 3D printers money can buy”. We’re not sure this is an accurate list. 

The story breaks down the problem of 3D printer acquisition into several categories: 

  • Do-it-yourselfers, where they recommend either a RepRap kit or the 3D Systems Cube 3 or LulzBot line.
  • Budget Minded, where they recommend the XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0
  • Engineer’s Desk, where they recommend the Formlabs Form 2, the MCOR Iris paper printer and the Stratasys Objet500 Connex3.

While all of these machines have a place, they’re all quite different in terms of cost, operations and results. 

Within these categories we see many different subcategories and niches. For example, someone in the “Engineer’s Desk” category might require a metal 3D printer, which does not appear on this list of six. Similarly, a consumer might require a machine like the Form 2, yet it’s in another category. 

The selection of a 3D printer is a tricky business, simply because it depends utterly on exactly what you intend to do with the machine. There are multiple categories of machines, and you may even find yourself requiring prints from several different processes to complete your tasks. 

Further, the machines mentioned are ones that are frequently mentioned in the press; there are dozens, perhaps hundreds of other options, many of which might be faster, cheaper, better or provide some other unusual characteristic that applies to your needs. 

We’ve attempted to help with the selection process with our interactive 3D printer selection buying guide, but even there it is hard to keep up with all the new machines emerging almost daily around the world. 

Our advice is to ignore the list of six and focus more on the uses you might require of machine. When you understand those needs, you’re in the best position to start shopping. 

Via The Motley Fool

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!