![Anna Flower 3D printed lampshade - lit](https://fabbaloo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/image-asset_img_5eb0bd4f2be60.jpg)
This week’s selection is the delicate Anna Flower Light by gCreate LLC.
It’s simply a lampshade composed of several flower “petals” that cover the light bulb hidden inside. You simply need to install at the shade on a commonly-available light bulb socket.
![Anna Flower 3D printed lampshade - unlit](https://fabbaloo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/image-asset_img_5eb0bd4f9bed0.jpg)
Unless you’re directly under the light, you won’t see the bulb, and thus the illumination passes through the thin walls of the petals, diffusing the light into your room.
![Anna Flower 3D printed lampshade - hidden text on interior](https://fabbaloo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/image-asset_img_5eb0bd5000af8.jpg)
Oh, one thing about that: this 3D model does have a small credit superimposed on the inside of one of the petals. When illuminated, this will shine through and you’ll see this:
![Anna Flower 3D printed lampshade - hidden text revealed](https://fabbaloo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/annalightwords_img_5eb0bd514bea8.jpg)
Not a big deal, but it does show the creator’s credit, who just happens to be gCreate LLC, makers of several large-volume 3D printers. This 3D model presumably provides a good demonstration of their machine’s ability to print large objects – the Anna Flower light is 288mm tall, a bit much for many 3D printers, but certainly possible to print on some delta 3D printers or larger-volume machines.
Gordon LaPlante, co-Founder of gCreate, explains the piece:
This beautiful light was designed for my love and the co-founder of gCreate, Anna Lee. The light resembles a hanging flower and projects light evenly across the room while providing ample down light. The light in the picture is over 10″ tall and it was designed to print upside down. The file also includes a small ring which connects to any standard free hanging light cord.
The reason I like this 3D model is not only that it’s a very attractive piece that is also practical, but also because this piece is so similar in aesthetics to very highly-priced 3D prints of elaborate lamp shades.
![Anna Flower 3D printed lampshade, sideview, lit and unlit](https://fabbaloo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/image-asset_img_5eb0bd529ba89.jpg)
But this one has a very special price: ZERO! It’s available at no charge from Cults3D, where you can obtain and print a fantastic lampshade, if you have access to a 3D printer with sufficiently large volume.
Just remember: do not use an incandescent bulb in this item, or you’ll find the petals looking a bit droopy.
Via Cults3D