Remembering James T. Goodrich, 3D Printing Neurosurgeon Pioneer

By on April 2nd, 2020 in Event

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[Source:  Frank Becerra Jr. ]

[Source: Frank Becerra Jr.]

Charles Goulding of R&D Tax Savers memorializes the passing of a leading medical professional.

I was saddened to hear that Dr. James T. Goodrich, who performed an awe-inspiring separation surgery on conjoined twins in 2004, has died from complications associated with COVID-19.

A similar surgery led by Dr. James Goodrich in 2016 encouraged many of us to deepen our interest in 3D printing for medical applications.

The surgery separating Jadon and Anias McDonald lasted 27 hours and involved 40 doctors and leading 3D printing technicians. 

3D printing was used as a tool for virtual planning during the pre-surgery process, in addition the creation of skull caps required for each infant. The skull caps needed to be regularly recreated to accommodate for the children’s skull growth. 3D Systems Healthcare and its Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) department played a major role in the surgical procedure. Dr. Goodrich gave credit to 3D printing for aiding in the post-surgery recovery process. 

Dr. Goodrich received his undergraduate degree from the University California and his masters, PhD and MD from Columbia. He was also a Marine combat veteran.

When this virus nightmare ends, we are all going to look back and see that we all lost friends, loved ones and many great Americans like Dr. James T. Goodrich.

By Charles Goulding

Charles Goulding is the Founder and President of R&D Tax Savers, a New York-based firm dedicated to providing clients with quality R&D tax credits available to them. 3D printing carries business implications for companies working in the industry, for which R&D tax credits may be applicable.