Fabbaloo’s 3D print Learning Series on Business aspects
This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on additional 3D print design tips.
For other current entries in this series, please search for our tag, “learning series”, here. Search often, as we will be adding more periodically.
3D Print Business
In 3D printing, there is the technology, and then there is the business aspects. What does a machine really cost? How long should you keep a 3D printer? Should you lease or buy a machine? How can you make money with your 3D printer?
These and several other related questions are answered among the following pieces we’ve previously published over the past 12 years.
Each heading below is a link to relevant business discussion.
Getting Maximum Value From Your Expensive 3D Printer
3D prints [Image credit: OpenTech Summit ]
If you intend on 3D printing products for sale, what type should they be? Where can you start selling 3D printed products? Should you use your own designs or simply use those made by others?
Leasing Or Buying Your 3D Printer?
3D printing “Pod” [Source: Type A Systems]
When the price of a 3D printer purchase is a bit high, should you consider leasing the machine instead of buying it directly? There’s some thoughts either way, but one will be the answer for your situation.
Tips For Attending A 3D Print Trade Show
Big crowds at a tradeshow [Source: Fabbaloo]
There are several very large 3D printing trade shows now regularly appearing around the world. We strongly recommend attending one if you can. But if you do, these are some tips to make your experience a lot more efficient and fruitful.
How To Price A 3D Printer Purchase
Cash crunch
The price of a 3D printer is easy, isn’t it? Just look at the price tag? Nope, that’s just the beginning of your expenses. Here we describe some of the other costs you will inevitably encounter when using 3D printers.
Avoiding Crowdfunding Fizzles: A Checklist
Pondering a Kickstarter purchase [Source: Pixabay]
Many low-cost 3D printers have been launched on Kickstarter, but unfortunately some have catastrophically failed, leaving backers without a machine — or their money back. This post discusses signals you can look for to reduce your risk in such transactions.
The Practicality Of 3D Printing Your Own Spare Parts
Replacing broken parts with 3D printed versions [Source: Fabbaloo]
You always hear of people quickly 3D printing spare parts for something broken at home. Is this a real thing? How much work does it actually take to accomplish this feat?
How To 3D Print Your Own Products & Sell Them Online
Creating your own 3D printed products
If you’ve been designing and 3D printing products that have attracted interest from others, you might consider selling them online and make some money. But how exactly is this done? What options are available?
3 Things Every 3D Printing Startup Needs
Three important roles in a 3D print startup [Source: Pixabay]
Over the years we’ve seen many 3D printing startups, and there is one fundamental approach that is somehow missed by many ventures.
5 Tips For Setting Up Your 3D Printing Business
Setting up a 3D print business [Source: Fabbaloo]
If you operate a desktop 3D printer and hope to start some kind of business with it, what are your options? Could you 3D print products and sell them? Or should you offer a 3D print service? Or something else?
Don’t Forget To Count The Eight Other Costs Of 3D Printing
Eight costs of 3D printing [Source: Pixabay]
Acquiring a 3D printer is not the end of your costs. Here we look at the long-term total cost of 3D printing and all the surprisingly frequently expenses you will incur once you commit to the technology.
The Several Selling Options For 3D Print Artists
3D Printed artwork [Source: Fabbaloo]
You’re an artist developing intricate 3D printed sculptures. You want to sell them. Where do you do so? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Is Leasing Appropriate To Acquire 3D Printers For Education?
3D Systems’ Cube 3D printer [Source: Fabbaloo]
Educators are in a different financial spot than most other users of 3D printing, and there may be a different answer when the question of leasing or buying a 3D printer comes up.
Is Black Friday The Day To Buy A 3D Printer?
The Black Friday rush
Sometimes we see desktop 3D printers on sale during “Black Friday”. Is this really the best time to buy a 3D printer?
Questions To Ask When Buying A 3D Printer
Totaling up a 3D printer purchase [Source: Fabbaloo]
Unfortunately we’ve sometimes seen people buy 3D printers merely by looking at the price tag. This is not appropriate, as all machines are fundamentally different. Here are the basic questions you should ask before buying a machine.
7 Things To Ask Yourself Before Buying A 3D Printer
3D prints on a table
Before you get “3D printer fever” and race out to buy a desktop device, there are some key questions to ask yourself to ensure you are truly ready to take on the technology.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on 3D print safety, which is far more risky than you might have imagined.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on the different materials possible in 3D printing.

An entry in our Learning Series hopes to show you the business aspects of 3D printing, including purchasing, leasing, providing services, designing and marketing.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on 3D Scanning.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on additional 3D print design tips.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on Design Basics for 3D Printing.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on 3D print processing.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on 3D printer maintenance.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on 3D Printing Operations.

This is an entry in our 3D Print Learning Series, focusing on 3D print concepts.