Annalisa Chiappone is a Material Engineer, Ph.D. in Materials Science from Politecnico di Torino.
Her doctorate, in collaboration with the “Centre Technique du Papier” in Grenoble, was focused on lingo-cellulosic materials for the development of reinforced polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries applications.
In 2012 Annalisa moved to the Italian Institute of Technology(IIT), Center for Sustainable Future Technologies, as a post-doc researcher Until 2015 her research activity was mainly focused on polymeric materials and composites for energy or electronic applications, exploiting the photopolymerization and light-induced functionalization processes.
Since 2015 her research topic has moved to the development of new 3D printable formulations for SLA/ DLP technologies. She is author of about 30 papers on international peer-reviewed journals and 2 book chapters; science communication is one of her interests.
Nora Toure: Annalisa, could you let us know about your background and what brought you into 3D printing in the first place?
Annalisa Chiappone: I am a materials engineer, I obtained my Master degree in 2008 from Politecnico di Torino with a final project on polymers so, my complete background is on materials and polymers science.
During my Ph.D. (2009-2012 Politecnico di Torino) I worked on the development of photocurable polymeric membranes reinforced with cellulose to be used as electrolytes in Lithium-ion batteries. After the end of my Ph.D., I moved to the Italian Institute of Technology in Torino (IIT) where I worked on polymers and polymer composites for energy and electronic applications, always exploiting the photopolymerization technique.
Thanks to the knowledge developed in the photopolymerization field I was chosen, together with some colleagues, for the “polymeric 3D printing team” born in IIT since the beginning of 2015. My work is focused on the development of photocurable formulations for DLP and SLA printing.
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