Shining 3D’s EinScan-S 3D Scanner

By on February 4th, 2015 in Hardware


At CES we were able to check out Shining 3D’s new EinScan 3D scanner. 

This tabletop 3D scanner is capable of capturing accurate scans of moderately sized objects – those that can fit on the turntable, anyway (700 x 700 x 700mm). 

Shining 3D attempted to simultaneously overcome several difficulties found in 3D scanners currently available: speed, cost, ease of use and safety. 

The device uses a structured light approach instead of lasers, which Shining 3D says can be a safety hazard for curious children near the scanner. They’ve devised a method of capturing scans with up to 0.1mm accuracy by tracking the structured light patterns as they move across the rotating subject. 

This process takes only three minutes to perform a complete rotation, after which software quickly resolves the scanned information into a 3D model. Their custom software produces a print-ready STL file. This capability, combined with a 3D printer produces a nearly complete “scan to print” workflow. The example scans we inspected were of very good quality.  

Physically the scanner is a small box containing two cameras with light sources, positioned on top of a tripod. A separate turntable is placed in front of the tripod in full view of the scanner. 

As these two components are physically isolated from each other, you might wonder how they are able to correctly position the turntable? Shining 3D makes it very simple: the scanner simply displays light spots where the turntable should be placed. (Note, the image at top is from CES, where they were exhibiting the older version of the EinScan, which had a set of rails connecting the turntable to the camera portion.)

For now the company is launching the product via a Kickstarter campaign, where you can order an EinScan-S for only USD$799. They’ve already passed their goal, so you are pretty much guaranteed to receive a scanner if ordered. 

Via Kickstarter

By Kerry Stevenson

Kerry Stevenson, aka "General Fabb" has written over 8,000 stories on 3D printing at Fabbaloo since he launched the venture in 2007, with an intention to promote and grow the incredible technology of 3D printing across the world. So far, it seems to be working!