The Latest Trends from 3D Hubs

By on February 18th, 2014 in Ideas


One of the many reasons to like 3D Hubs, beyond their excellent crowdsourced network of 3D printers is their monthly statistical report. This month shows some interesting trends. 

The report is based on signups, activity and usage of their growing network, which now numbers in excess of 3,200 user-owned and operated 3D printers worldwide. Each node can provide local 3D print services to happy customers, connected by 3D Hubs.

So what’s up in this month’s report? 

The report continues to illustrate the varying buying habits of regions around the world. In North America, MakerBot dominates, followed by PrintrBot and Solidoodle, all three “local” manufacturers. Meanwhile in Europe, “local” manufacturer Ultimaker leads, with a sprinkling of RepRap machines. 

More than half of the prints seem to be prototypes or DIY/Hobby items. This tells us that there is a huge demand by creative people who like to make things. And these folks are people that typically don’t own a 3D printer. Clearly, there’s tons of innovation taking place at a grassroots level around the world. 
While all 3D printer models reported are growing in number, Ultimaker is far and away the leader in growth, with a 74% monthly increase. Could this be due to Ultimaker’s new machine? Perhaps their recent corporate reorganization and increased marketing? 

Stratasys is the leading manufacturer by far, mainly due to its subsidiary, MakerBot, who’ve been selling massive quantities of their new Replicator machines. 

One fascinating statistic tracked by 3D Hubs is the requested colors of 3D prints. Over half of the print jobs used plain old black or white color. What does this mean? We think it’s the preponderance of prototyping parts, which, we presume don’t require specific colors. 
Via 3D Hubs