If you’ve been looking to attend a 3D printing conference, look no further than the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo, taking place in New York City from April 22-23 at the Javits Convention Center.
We’re totally impressed with the extensive list of speakers for this event, which includes such 3D printing notables as:
- Hod Lipson of Cornell University and author of Fabricate
- Behrokh Khoshnevis, the force behind Contour Crafting
- Jeffrey Lipton of Fab@Home
- Avi Reichental, President and CEO of 3D Systems
- Peter Weijmarshausen, CEO of Shapeways
- Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed
- Terry Wohlers, Longtime 3D printing consultant
- And many others from the 3D printing industry
And we’d strongly recommend you register TODAY. Why? Because the rates increase at midnight tonight. Here’s the scoop on the savings you’ll receive if you register right now:
- Gold passports increasing by USD$100 (from $545 to $645).
- One day passes increase by USD$50 (from $345 to $395)
- Networking passes increase by $15 (from $10 to $25)
But wait – there’s even more! We’ve made arrangements with the Conference to offer you a discount! When you register for the event, simply specify “FAB15” as the discount code and you’ll receive 15% off of the street rate.
Via MediaBistro
Wow!! 3D printing with discount, thanks for making it available. I wil try to attend this conference.