Over the past few months we’ve noticed that 3D Systems has relentlessly built features in Cubify to provide generative models to print on their (and other’s) personal 3D printers. You can quickly get a customized 3D model of rings, pictures, bracelets, space aliens, earrings, crowns and probably a few more things after we’ve written this post.
Did you ever wonder how they were able to develop these online model generators so quickly? They’ve got a system under the covers that helps create them.
And now you can use it too.
According to 3D Systems’ Senior Director Consumer Solutions, Sarah Stocker, they’ve announced “Cubify AppCreate”, an online service that lets you put together your own 3D model generator! The system operates much like the old Mr. Potato Head game, where there’s a “base element” and various “adornments” you can add to finalize a design.
AppCreate lets you upload your own base and adornments, then brand and label the generator.
Here’s the best part: the generator will (once approved), appear among the other generators on Cubify and could be used by anyone. Should someone pay Cubify for a print created by your generator, you’ll receive a royalty. At this time Cubify will support only print requests through AppCreate, not 3D model downloads.
Creation of your “app” is straightforward, assuming you’ve already created the individual 3D elements you’ll be using in the app. Just name your app, set basic dimensional parameters and happily upload tons of 3D parts. You can name the categories of parts and include icons for each. When you’re done, submit your app for approval by the Cubify mandarins and then you can publish it.
We foresee many innovative apps appearing quickly, as this process seems very easy to use. The burden of effort clearly shifts to the design of the generator; Cubify worries about the rest.
Via Cubify AppCreate