We know you’re interested in building a 3D printer from kit parts, but perhaps you’re a bit apprehensive taking on such a complex assembly job? Not everyone is an electronics wizard and we suspect more than one interested party has been scared off by the daunting task of hundreds of assembly steps enroute to completing your own 3D printer.
Don’t fear, there is a solution – at least if you happen to be in the Philadelphia area this summer. NextFab Studio has put together a series of two-day workshops in which you’ll not only be able to learn how to build a 3D printer, but you’ll actually build your own to take home with you.
The two-day workshops are scheduled for: July 28/29, August 11/12 and August 25/26 at a cost of US$2000 (which includes the printer, of course). They say:
In this class, you will be building a MendelMax 1.5, the most advanced version of the RepRap 3D printer. Since many parts of the RepRap are made from plastic, they can be printed on a RepRap, meaning the RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself – a kit that anyone can assemble given time and some additional materials. It also means that – if you’ve got a RepRap – not only you can print out all sorts of fun stuff, you can also print all the plastic parts needed to make another RepRap for a friend, or use the knowledge to fix it, repair it, and 3D-print upgrades!!
They’re also throwing in a free license of Moment of Inspiration’s 3D modeling software.
Via EventBrite