One of the major issues with a 3D printer is getting great content to print. While 3D Systems has Cubify.com to provide pre-made models, there is also the possibility of Cube owners making their own models. However, the target market here is consumers, who typically have no 3D modeling software of their own. Worse, good 3D modeling software is often very complex and very expensive. There are inexpensive options but they frequently have some kind of issue that consumers would see as a barrier: tricky software installation, overly simplistic capabilities, non-intuitive interface, etc.

We think the biggest splash made by Cubify Invent is its price: only USD$49 for a very capable tool. This is much less than other commercial offerings and really not much more than free. One major issue: Cubify Invent is only available on Windows. If this software is intended for consumers, 3D Systems should consider creating an OS/X version.
Via Cubify
To me, it looks a lot like a rebranded cut-down (no 2D drawings ?) version of Alibre Design Personal…